Three on Sunday

Jan 28, 2008 14:57

A rare Alistair post because three vignettes have been bubbling through my head since yesterday...

(1) JJ understands that when somebody apologizes to you, you should forgive them. So if I do something stupid (and it happens too often, like saying I'll get him some apple juice and then forgetting), I'll say sorry to him, and he'll say "You're forgiven". That's very appealing.

Unfortunately, when he himself is scolded, he's taken to saying "Sorry. You're forgiven", which isn't quite right. So yesterday morning I scolded him about something (minor -- can't remember what) and the conversation went:

JJ: "Sorry. You're forgiven."
Daddy: "JJ, you only say 'you're forgiven' when somebody says sorry to you."
JJ: "Oh. Sorry. You're not forgiven."

(2) We went to the Piccadilly Pub in Westborough for lunch after church. As we were waiting for a table, a man came through the door in a Minuteman costume (note to elizabethann40: that's a 1775 Minuteman, not a border vigilante!)... and then another... and then more. To my surprise, they weren't just any Minutemen, they are the people who stand on the sidelines at Patriots games and fire their muskets when the Patriots score a touchdown! Apparently they were at the rally to send the team off to the Super Bowl and then came to have lunch/drinks. They're not going to Arizona, possibly because Minutemen in Arizona would be a bit too political! (I still don't know why they came all the way around from Foxborough to Westborough just to have lunch...) JJ was a bit scared of them in their tricorn hats

(3) As most of my readers know, we had a bit of an impromptu fire drill after we went to bed last night. What was fascinating was what we grabbed on the way out of the house. Both wwpostergirl and the cop noted with great interest the fact that I had a baby under one arm and our computer backup system under the other. It concentrates the mind too, thinking about what we should grab when we can only save a few possessions: I realized that my wallet is pretty vital too, considering it has my bank cards, my Green Card, etc...!
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