The Real LJ Idol: Season 11 *Wk 24 Intersection: If you don't live it,it won't come out of your horn

Jun 15, 2020 18:47

You might see the
elongated tooth, the
sharpened claw.

She smiled widely, gracefully trailed fingers,
pounded her feet, and her strong thighs carried

the weight of
secrets, shook the very
foundation of the
hallowed earth,

dust rose to kiss her
rolling shoulders and powder her
shiny brow, flush with the fear of

existence and creation, her belly
full of the life she planted when
she danced herself into existence,
gave birth to herself, unto herself.

before there was anything,
there was her boundlessness,

spreading wide and nebulous,
shifting tides of thought and feeling
pulled by the moon, the sun, Venus.

Until she felt the first beat reverberate
to the next in a steady rhythm,
ba dum ba dum ba dum
she coalesced in a whirling dance,
her heart steady and unrelenting,

her core balanced in center,
she tossed her head, a crown of
divinity sweeping through the air,
she breathed life, her limbs gracefully
defining lines, punctuated gazes,

she spun
water and salt of
exertion crystallizing into
quartz and selenite,

delicate as a moon beam
illuminating the deepest
shadows of Self which
carved fears into the
cave walls of her
druzy chest, but still,
she danced wildly.

I had the distinct pleasure of working with encrefloue for the second intersection. Please follow this link to read their entry.

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