Sage Francis - A Healthy Distrust
Web Site Myspace "I'm a veteran of spatial relationships
I clip ya wings to fit you in head shrinking magician
Shape-shifting reptilian turned body contortionist
Orphanages started offering torches to abortion clinics
I lost acquaintances
And a morgue of lady friends
I gender bent the heaven sent angelic devil boy with God's androgynous
I'm lookin' marvelous but looks can kill
YOU'RE unsure about my sexual orientations still
Put me in a special kind of case that only breaks if
You hit it with a bouquet of flowers and baby breath arrangement"
(Escape Artist)
"You’re a lint ball who moves on the whim of the wind
Confused flexible movement for freedom.
If the walls you keep bouncing off of are closing in,
theres only so much time before your rhythm gets broken
I could hear it speeding up before we lost signal.
It caused a ripple effect. Rings on the radar would intersect.
Now your fingers are off limits;
I can’t hold your hand longer than your attention span."
(Ground Control)
Brandon A. Dalmer
DeviantArt Web Site Aenux
Web Site Model Mayhem Myspace Lara Jade
Web Site DeviantArt Model Mayhem PS: I updated the site.