Following the
post on Tristan et Yseult... Another King Arthur-related musical is Graal (2005) by Catherine Lara. In my case, it’s again a CD with highlights. I had an impression Graal was mostly following in the steps of Tristan… - it’s also a ‘musical legend’ with Celtic tunes and mild rock combined - but it seems Graal is much more popular, at least in the web.
As it happens quite often, it’s hard to follow the plot when you’ve only got some songs, only possible to figure out who is who. In this version, we have King Arthur (Regis Cools), Guenièvre (Cecilia Gouez) and Lancelot (Jean-Louis), Merlin the wizard (Nicolas Moy), Galahad (Jerome David) and Mordred (Frederic Lemarie) as protagonists. Guenièvre isn't the only girl here :) there is also Viviane 'the Lady of the Lake' (Merlin's love-interest) and Morgane le Fay. The songs of the latter sound delightfully eerie and mysterious, and bring enchantments and stuff to mind. I cannot say her voice is great, but charming in a way, especially the high notes. Here is her song:
Mes défis. La promesse, Viviane's song, is also fine, but unfortunately it isn't there at YouTube for me to link.
Rock moments seem not quite as impressive as in Tristan… but they do bring in some life after lyrical pop things (
Fils de roi, with a chorus). For the Celtic stuff, I’d link the first song:
Tous les secrets du monde.
One song stands oddly apart from all the rest. It’s
Au-delà du silence. Arthur realises he is betrayed by everyone he has ever loved. (WTF, it reminds me most terribly of some pop song or even a classical melody, and still I can’t say what it is!! Perhaps it reminds me of several songs, not one; but holy cow, I swear I heard it before and I’m pretty sure you have, too.)
All in all, I say French Arthurian musicals make for a pleasant pastime. They aren’t likely to change your life or move you into tears. Still the score is interesting in both cases, and if only the visual side doesn’t spoil all the effect from the music, those are certainly better than latest French shows where choreography seems much more important than music which turns secondary and even insignificant.