I've just realised there are some interesting things to talk about!
Today was exceedingly hot outside, I didn't manage to get an accurate measurement of the temperature because the themometer we used to have is probably under the earth somewhere at a landfill site near you. But it was hot, and it prompted me to take my top off.
Nope, no pic you perverts!
The other day I went to a car boot sale to take some blinds my dad had given me, and I made a little profit off them, which is nice! All the usual car boot folk were there, including Super Mario, Gene Hackman and David Bellamy.
I was on my own so I didn't get a chance to go round and find more copies of Fate Of Atlantis this time, which is a shame. I'm going next Sunday to sell the rest of the blinds (hopefully) and also keep an eye out for some other neat games and stuff.
ALSO this Friday I will be getting the highest pay I've had in a LONG, LONG time. My current highest pay is £900 which I got after the first month of working for
BOCC, but this Friday I'll be getting... £200! LOL. Okay, so it doesn't quite match that 900 but still it's good enough.
I've also arranged the campsite for myself and Joe's trip to St Ives AND I will be ringing up about the camp site I'm booking (in Surrey) for Brittens, which is a gathering of folk from
Someone rang my mobile today and I don't know who it was.
Someone rang my mobile on Saturday, but I didn't want to answer it because I don't like them.
Me and Joe have come to like Goring, which is a town not far from us, and Pangbourne. On Sunday we went to a field by the river, (absolutley gorgeous location, I'll take some pics next time) with huge fields filled with buttercups. They looked nice and pretty in the sunlight!
FoY has recruited a few extra people to help with the demo. It's going to be a ten screen demo or so with a few puzzles and so forth set at Bimini, which is one of the locations from the full game. The puzzles will however be completely different to that of the full game.
Today I was informed that I'm supposed to initiate conversation because I'm male. I think that's unfair because in this day and age the woman is just as dominant as the male so THEY should have just as much responsibility to initiate conversation! Women get cheaper car insurance afterall.
Finally, on Friday night - which was the GCSE students final day of school, I was pulled over by PC Graham Pink for not having the lights on on the car when it was getting dark. I have to take some documents to the police station tomorrow and plead my innoncence and maybe get put in jail!
Okay, that's a lie - but this being the internet you never know! I actually just have to go and confirm who I am.
And don't forget, Section 43 gives the constable the right to arrest you if they think you're a terrorist!