OK, so nearly everyone voted for this to be the summer play yet everyone's afraid to sing. No one wants the lead roles! There was this girl with a beautiful voice who I thought would make a perfect Tara, but then she decides that she wants to be Willow. Why? "Because Willow doesn't sing as much". Well, she is only 16 which I guess is an excuse for her to be scared/shy, but what about the counselors? "Oh, I can't sing", "Oh no, you don't want me", but I DO! A matter of fact I need you! Where else am I going to get some actors to work for free! Well, I put the signs up so someone will probably drop in. The only main vocalist I do have is Spike because, of course, I'm playing him!
In other news my band members and I have decided an intervention for our vocalist
colinsgirl. She needs to get back to music, but she's slacked off too long and needs to be forced back in! Also I've decided to go to Graduate School sometime soon, not sure for what, but I still have lots of time hopefully!
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