Strangely...I think I had a good day...

Mar 14, 2008 18:57

My day started off like all others... Not getting outta bed when the alarm goes off, The EvilOne waking me up 3 times and telling me to get ready. I take my sweet ass time drinking coffee and smoking a cigerette, then realize it's 9:15 and I have like 10 minutes to shower, get dressed, and take off...
I get to work and one of my cooks wants to know if the EvilOne is at work, I say no, noche, por que? And he says he needs to talk to her. I don't really know what about, his english isn't the best, but it is better than my spanish (beso me cullo!). I told him to call her later, or that on Monday, if it's ok with her, we'd all have coffee, since I want to give Charlie to his 'friend'.
Boss says hi and happy and stuff and I say hi all happy and stuff and then we get all excited over the fact that we are told that the farmer's market has dog biscuts. Yaaaa....So we walk up there and chat and I buy a loaf of organic cranberry walnut bread-which I toasted some and gave to the Boss and some of the staff. We saw a waitress there, she was running errands and stuff, then we later saw her getting a message. Well after I toasted up the bread, Boss asks me if I was going to get one, she knew my shoulder has been hurting for 3 days now. I said no, I spent my splurge money on the bread. She goes into the cash box and says "here, go, I'm paying for 1/2 hour" ohhh so not only did she pay for it, but it was also on the clock! AND my other cook had made me breakfast, which was waiting when I got there. AND the chef had gone to the farmers market and got a gyro to share.
So it wasn't as busy as most Fridays though.
But I did talk to Chef about an issue I've been having.
I was going to post and ask ya alls advice...
There is a waitress who I have a total lovehate relationship. I think if I didnt' work with her, we'd get along fine. But I really don't like working with her. At all. I tried to be nice. I tried to just not say anything and do my work. Nothing works. Well a while back it was just she and I, and she stole a bottle of wine. Now, I know I've done my share of...uh..not good things. And I understand being hungry and making a sandwich to take to your kid, or my case, Chipmonk. Yeah me and one of the cooks have a few times taken a break and had a beer, but she also does things like eat off customers plates (after busing the tables), goes into the kitchen and grabs food, no matter how many times I and others have yelled at her. Gossips, to the point of causing disharmony, is always in peoples business-asking how much we make/made/tips etc., complains alot (oh I'm sooo busy! can some one help me? I need help! but at the same time, didn't want to split her station, and wants the biggests she wants the tips, but wants other people to help her), complains about her tips and how she isn't getting the right amounts from the bosses (to the point of following me around a FEW times telling me this). Now, she isn't totally worthless. The customers love her. They REQUEST her tables! She is great at upselling and promoting. Mainly because she talks...ALOT.
Why did I wait so long to tell someone you ask? Well, in the past when I have been in a position of 'authority', I've not been backed up on things. After awhile, I just don't want to deal, cuz it will get brought up, nothing will get done, then all we do is fight cuz the person thinks that they got stabbed in the back. Not to say this WILL happen, but it has, so...
And another thing, this has been on my mind since it happened, but what really gets me is (and I'm sorry to my X-tian friends for this rant) but she acts/talks like everything she does is ok, because she asked for forgiveness! She has repented so it's all cool. Then she does the same shit over again! The last straw was she had followed me out when I went on a smoke break, and was telling me about how 'a penny is as bad as a million and I repented for that, so it's ok' and all I could think of is "to who? Your god or your boss?" The one who, in your head, will forgive you, or the one you have to look in the eyes and say you fucked up?
Yeah, so anyhoo. I can tell my boss loves me, esp after today, and now they will know why I've been so 'moody', esp around taht person.
So anyways...let's see. I guess work is good. Me and the EvilOne *aka chipchip* is doing really good, if not great. Little things are falling into place, like paying off the bills, working around our work schedules, which is killing me, but hey, wots a little lack of sleep. Oh yeah, lack of sleep+me=bitch. I've not drunk any monsters. I figured out that they make me REALLY hostile. Like, I will kill you. And since I used to drink like 2-3 of the triples a soda and espresso...yeah.
Anyhoo, my hands are hurting so I'm off now.
Hope all is well, bye!
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