wow, it's been awile...again...

Dec 31, 2007 10:14

So lets see...
since we last talked, I've been working my ass off. I've missed my coffee dates on Tues cuz of work. I work for JWs and that is the funny thing, that we don't celebrate X-Mas but where doing 2 parties a night, plus the regular restuarant work. Well, I'm not one to say no to overtime!
I did get to meet the most awesome vonjunzt. That was really cool. He is a brilliant person, on screen and off.
I started a new Lj com . So far 3 members including myself, but then again I have not pimped it, so I'm sure I'll get more. It's not only for the queer and satanic, but for anyone who has a sense of humor and wants a place to discuss and learn.'s see. OHHHH! Last night while falling alseep, the EvilOne said I'm her 'wifey'. And for henth forth be known as such. We are already living together, and all that, so she says saying "girlfriend" is too...well an understatement. That was cute. She has new job lined up, so that is sweet, and it's down the road from the hotel I worked at, so it is a good location. So yeah, things on the relationship end is looking good.
Now for the crappy news. My good and dear friend mamawolf is in bad shape. She has had a lot of health issues, and went under the knife on thurs. Well things didn't go as planned and is now in the ICU. So prayers, chants, candles, whatever for her ok guys? She is one hella of a lady, who has gone through soooo much in her life, yet, throughit all has remained true and has not lost her compassion or love. Her heart is bigger than life itself.
So what else...One year at the Cafe, and so far it's been an adventure. Between crazy ex owners, fights, crying (and not just me mind you!), laughing, drunkeness, fires, minor flooding, tripling the daily bussiness, not to mention ALOT of wrinkles to iron out, it's not been a bad year for a new business. Infact if the trend keeps going, then I'm going to be beyond amazed, and am already hella proud. D, the EC, as he was leaving last night, highfived me and we commented on 'whatta year man...' Oh! And not once did I set my hair on fire! Well, not there atleast.
Well that is about it. Now it's off to lounge with the Wifey before heading up to the rents house for Soba dinner. Now that is nice. I NEVER get New Year's Eve off. I've always had left over soba the next day. hahahaaa.
Happy new year, feliz ano neuvo.
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