Feb 18, 2005 15:24
Apparently, previously 'harmless' food-products such as Worcester Sauce, now contain potentially dangerous dyes that can cause cancer. Yay. I love possibly fatal public health-scares (!)
I've just applied for some work experience, in the script-writing deparment of another another long-running drama series, on the BBC work-experience site. Woohoo. Go me thinking about my future career so that I don't spend the next year and a half after I've finished university living at my mum and dad's house, on the dole and bitter about how I'm not a student anymore.
It involved me telling another couple of white lies on afore-mentioned online application form, including how I'm an avid viewer of a programme that I don't think I've ever watched more than ten minutes of in my life. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Also, and in true copy-cat stylee, I'm making my livejournal friend-only. I'm not too keen on keeping it public when I've started posting more possibly private things, like job application letters. Apart from anything else, what if the people who I've asked for a job start coming on here?! If you do want to read more about the history of my exciting world, and you haven't yet been added as a friend (maybe you're stalking me) then just comment.
Woohoo. Today is Free-Day Friday, the start of my four-day weekend. I love lazy student life.