Jul 09, 2005 23:54
Hey everyone...whats goin on? yeah so I got back from camp..I think I already wrote that...but if I didnt I had a blast...Yeah so anyways Im definately looking for a new job! If ANYONE knows where I can get a job and get paid at least 7/hour. Let me know...Cause my job sucks. and I hate it! Yeah so hmmm....Let me know ASAP if you know of any job opendings! Hmm..so what else..Oh Im learning houw to play the guitar! Exciting eh? Yes well Im excited..Im borowing my friends right now his name is Gilbert...Its pretty sweet looking, an electric acoustic....Yeah so thats about all I have to say..My grad party is a week from tomorow..So were starting to be in crazy clean everything mode...Is it just me or isnt it just the American way to have your house look like crap untill you hear someones coming over and then you slave to clean it? I say we go on strike and not care what people think...Because honestly their house is probably messy too so who cares? Anyways thats just my opinion lol...Well Tennesea and New York are coming up really soon. Im definately excited for that!!! Yeah its like I have My grad party next sunday, then the next sunday I leave for Tennesea, then I come home for 2 days and Im gone for New York..Me and my crazy life...Yeah Oh I dont know if I mentioned I got another job. Its at The Daily Grind next to the Post office on Hall Rd. I love it there. Theres only 3 other people that work there besides me. Its awesome! lol.. So far Ive only worked with the owner and shes really nice..and then I met one of the other girls...but yeah she seems really nice and Yeah I like it a lot so far...What else...Oh Im all registered for my classes at Macomb..Check this out...All my classes are on tuesdays and thursdays. So I go to school 2 days a week. Isnt that freaking awesome! I love college. I get a 5 day weekend kids lol. The only sucky part is I go to school 8-6 but I mean thats not to bad its like a regular work day? I have like an hour break between one class and like a 30 minute break between another so I should be pretty good. Just have to make sure I eat breakfast in the morning. I have 4 classes and they all look pretty easy too. Im taking math and english and then physcology and speech..Not bad eh. Speech I have a feeling will be perfect for me. So no worries there. Yeah and I got according to everyone Ive talked too the best speech teacher there. Two of her classes are completely filled..I had to like rearange my schedule to get her. so she better be worth it lol...Yeah well...thats about all I have to say for like the 80th time so talk to everyone later im ging to bed its past my bedtime! Farewell!