This rush of content just makes it LOOK like I'm taking over the world.
Fantasy Magazine: Mark Teppo, of Men and Magick "I’ve attempted to map most of the 'spells' [in LIGHTBREAKER], if you will, to existing practices, but as the foundation of the system is the rigorous belief that Will powers intent and expression, the resulting system becomes fairly organic. It is fantastic, let’s be honest about that, and I don’t necessarily believe that these sorts of abilities and actions are possible, but the underlying philosophy is one that I can get behind. I’ve been referencing this book as 'occult,' and the connotations of that word lend credence to the fantastic elements within the story, but more properly-from a standpoint of the things the writer wants his audience to mull over after all the sound and fury has passed-this is a 'gnostic' novel. And so, yes, it’s all about faith and knowledge, isn’t it?"
Next week, I'll vanish again.