Jan 25, 2010 21:32
Was driving to campus this evening.
The weather was lovely. Snow has been melting on the ground all day, and now that it's dark, it's been freezing over.
While driving down Albert in the left hand lane, approaching Bearanger from the north, I see cars lined up to turn left.
The first car goes.
The second, a large cube truck, goes, despite the timing being a little tight, particularly given the road conditions.
The third car, whose view of me up until now has been blocked by the cube truck, also decides to go.
And this is where I see the lovely vision in my head of our predicted intersection point with his front embedded in the side of my car.
I make a quick dodge to the right, and I'm quite shocked when I don't feel him carve out my rear fender.
I'm reasonably certain that I didn't absent-mindedly run a red light. While I don't specifically remember the light being green, I do remember the walky-man on my side being white, which it wouldn't have been, had there been an advance left turn.
And then, to add insult to injury (er... vice-versa?), I bang my knee good upon entering the Student Life Centre.
Things to be thankful to my parents for:
1) Winter tires.
2) Making me the primary driver for the insurance.
3) Making Waterloo the primary city for the insurance, despite the cost increase, oh I wonder why Waterloo has higher insurance rates.