So, a friend posted on her journal that she might consider starting a business. That got me thinking about what might be an enjoyable business to create
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OO! OO! Can I work there? I am great with simple cash registers and I love to see people! Seriously, working snack bar at the ski-lodge was the greatest thing in the world!
And I like to work relatively long days! Pleeeeeeeeeeese! *puppy eyes*
Dear goodness love, no one would ever play scrabble. A dollar per letter? That's crazy talk. You should make it $0.75 a letter. That way, you still make a considerable amount of money and you perturb people by making it harder to figure out how much to pay. Goodness, I sound like Faye right then. Anyway airsoft guns + coffee = fun to watch but painful to play! Maybe you should set up a MythBusters-esque blast shield for teh spectators.
And I like to work relatively long days! Pleeeeeeeeeeese! *puppy eyes*
And a quote wall.
And we would be the most awesome place in town.
*sigh* If only.
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