1,000 calories burned.
20 minutes - treadclimber
32 minutes - treadmill jogging
10 minutes - treadclimber
Back on track today! Yeah! I was planning on going back in the evening but it didn't work out. I could have pushed and gotten it in there time-wise, but then I realized that I didn't have any clean workout clothes. It's actually kind of sad. I only have two workout shirts now and one pair of shorts that I like to workout in. So I wash them everyday. I know. Not exactly the best as far as water/energy conservation goes. Oh well. I'm trying to look good remember? ha.
I ate well today too. I didn't deviate at all from my foods. This is mainly because I didn't go hangout with anyone else. I just kinda stayed home waiting for people to come over and buy my furniture. (which by the way, was a complete failure. everyone either didn't buy or rescheduled. sucks!)
I can feel the end. Or maybe I'm just too distracted because the end of this means that I'm moving the next day. So I have LOTS to get done before I finish this 26 days. In fact, I'm probably spending too much time focusing on this instead of making sure I'm ready to move when my girlfriend flys back into town so we can drive down to Atlanta. Yeah. That's why no one except you people reading about this right now, knows that I'm doing this. I need to finish and telling some people about this would just cause more trouble than it's worth. I mean, there's something to be said about telling everyone about your plans so that you have that social pressure to follow through... but a lot of times your friends/family are the WORST people to motivate you.
Not because they want you to fail (although some really do) but I think a large part is that your goals are not their goals, so it couldn't possibly be as important to them as it is to you. Ya know? Yeah. So. Here we go.