1,000 calories burned
60 minutes - treadclimber
Legs were kind of fatigued (as opposed to just tired) today so I took it easy and only did the treadclimber. (Lots less stress on my knees/joints/quads.) Today was... because it was the treadclimber the entire time, I had to concentrate on not losing focus and really just not giving up and going home. For these last few weeks I've kind of forgotten how boring/mind numbing cardio can get when you're not really being challenged. Even though I was going faster on the treadclimber than I have before, I just wasn't really into it today. I guess that's part of the whole thing though with working out, doing it and pushing through the really tough times when you don't feel like working out ya know?
My original intention when I started this was that I wasn't going to do any weight lifting. I was going to do ONLY cardio. However after a few days I decided that I would still do some ab work. I'm kind of proud of my abs even though like everyone else, even I can find imperfection when I look at my abs. I'll let you in on a secret. I'm actually pretty lazy. That laziness shows in my abs. Notice how it's not really a six pack? It's really just a 4.5 pack. I don't have the bottom two well developed because I don't do any lower ab work. I used to do leg raises...and since I was lazy and didn't add the 'curl' at the end of them, they really just worked my hip flexors, but they did help develop my iliac furrow (those two lines going diagonally inward.)
Anyways, about every 3 days I find that I have time at the end of my workout to do abs. I use the weighted ab machines. I used to do the ab-roller type crunches but I never got really great results until I went to the weight ab machines. At this time I only do two things. I do the weighted seated crunches, and I do wood chopping with the cable crossover machine. The seated crunches really work the front six pax (mainly just the upper four) and then the wood chopping action really tightens the intercostals and the whole side of my abdomen, making everything just really tight.
So yeah. I guess I run and do ab work.
Just another day.