Fic: Tantra

Jun 19, 2006 21:50

I figure I'll get the ball rolling with some fics I've got lying around, lol. At least make pretend that the community is active in its newness.

Title: Tantra
Author: Lioness Black
Feedback: Yes, please.
Pairing: Mark/Roger/April
Word Count: 834
Rating: NC17
Genre: Drama
Summary: Mark gets high with Roger and April.
Notes: Written for speed_rent. It won second place. :-)
Special Thanks: This website for all it's help.
Spoilers: Roger and April were addicted to heroin.
Warnings: Drug use and various unsafe sexual acts of the homo and hetero persuasions.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just good fun.

He stared at the needle in his arm. He had been going on about clean needles, so he got the first hit. April and I had been sharing needles for so long, it seemed like second nature, but after how I goaded him into using, the least I could do was give him what he wanted.

I pulled out the needle and he was then staring at the tiny pinprick of blood. His eyes shut and he took a deep breath. I'd hardly given him any at all, but I'd been using for so long, I'd forgotten how little it took to get high on a first run.

I felt a twinge of guilt as he swayed. April put her hands on my shoulder, and I could see worry in her eyes, but then her eyes moved to the needle in my hand. She was ready for her own high, and I was with her.

We each took a needle full, tolerance got expensive, but as long as I kept getting gigs like I was, we could afford it.

My vision grew blurred as I felt the rush. I relaxed into April's arms and I grinned. I watched as she shot herself full of smack and I was instantly aroused by it. There was something about the way she held a needle.

April was, of course, aware of this, and she purred in my ear. She snaked her hand down inside my pants, urging me to take her right then, on the floor of the loft.

I looked over at Mark who was watching us. He had a strange smile on his face, unlike anything I'd seen him smile before.

I wagged my fingers (moving in slow motion, it seemed) at him, for him to join us. His eyebrows raised, but he wasn't not really in a position to argue. Who would argue when you're feeling better than you ever have in your whole life?

Mark crawled across the floor and I took him in my arms. His lips brushed against mine, and then we kissed again, open mouthed, tongues and teeth becoming one. April gave me a strong stroke, I kicked my head back away from Mark. She put her mouth over mine and kissed me in a rough, jealous sort of way.

Mark kissed my neck, licking long strokes, slashing my throat with his tongue, sucking the skin between his teeth.

My hands made their way to Mark's waist, pulling his pants down over his skinny hips. Still blinded by April's wave of red hair, how she had taken over my field of vision, kissing me, biting my lips until she drew blood, I felt my way to Mark's cock, and he moaned when my fingers brushed against it.

April moved suddenly, leaving me without support, so I fell against the ground, my head hitting the floor hard. I thought more about how her hand had removed itself from my pants, and I wanted it back, than my newfound headache. She pushed Mark aside and crawled on top of me. She unzipped my jeans just enough to to free my dick.

I pushed her skirt up around her hips and, as usual, she wore nothing under it. She mounted me, and just soon as she had, I grabbed her and rolled over so I was on top.

She grinned and licked away the blood she had left on my chin.

As I fucked her, I felt lips on my back, moving lower and lower. Mark's lips. They worked down my spine, licking away my sweat, until they found themselves on my ass, moving closer into my anus, until, yes, there was a tongue inside of me.

I groaned, fucking April harder.

Mark's saliva ran deep inside of me, and I felt nothing for a moment. Then I felt his cock enter me.

I gasped, the pain was unlike anything I'd felt before. It was pleasure. It was murder, like I was being ripped apart. It was a rush of bliss.

He kept going, moving further inside until he hit a certain place in me. My body kicked with ecstasy. I howled, the tears I'd been fighting broke loose and I dug deeper into April. She cried with pain and slapped me, but I couldn't help it.

Mark pulled out and pushed against that spot again. Prepared for it this time, I gasped, my mouth dry, my fingernails pushing into the floorboards.

I thrust in and out of April until she forgot that she angry with me and jealous of Mark, and she started to come. I could see the haze in her eyes, the reason we used in the first place, the rush, the feeling of unending happiness.

Mark came inside of me, and pulled out, just as April shuddered through her orgasm. I pushed hard one last time and came, sweat dripping down my back and chest. I fell on top of her, and Mark dropped next to her.

I looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back at me, his eyes closing.

I kissed April and my eyes closed too.

drama, drug use, nc17, fic, lionessvalenti, mark/roger/april

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