I'm in Laredo, and I'm bored. I'm waiting for a purchased episode of This American Life to finish downloading from iTunes, and then I'm going to go for a walk in the park before it gets too dark.
Tomorrow I am going to see if I can convince my folks to take me to Cosco or Sam's Club where they will buy me some rations for back at my place in Houston. I've recently set up an account with
Mint, which is a really nifty and free internet tool that aggregates my assets and debts from all my banks, credit cards, and loans and (amongst other things,) breaks down my spending habits. As it turns out, I eat out at restaurants way too much, so I'm going to start trying to cook and eat at home.
Anyway, this is also a plug for Mint.com. I recommend it.
I'm also moving out of my studio into a one bed one bath upstairs. I'm looking forward to this movie, since my current studio is soooooo tiny. I am not looking forward to having to move my heavy couch up the flight of stairs. Anyone want to help?
Ugh, that episode of This American Life is stuck in "processing file" Hell. Last time that happened I turned off my computer, expecting the file to continue processing wherever it left off last. I then discovered that the file had disappeared entirely. Ninety-nine cents wasted.
Okay. Time for a walk. You better finish processing by the time I get back, file. Or else.