Sokka the 27th - [Action/Voice]

May 14, 2010 12:26

[After the rain of trees finally ended, Sokka was finally able to get back to his usual day. He's dodged boulders before, so it wasn't that big of a deal, even if one did get close to him. Fortunately for as many trees as he saw in the air, it didn't seem to go as badly as it could have been. Or at the very least, his house was fine. The smithy was fine. As far as he knew, his housemates weren't dead. Just another day in Luceti. So once things have settles down, Sokka attempts to get back to work and after using his sword to cut down the flaming log blocking the door the smithy, Sokka climbs over the hunk of wood to get back to the daily grind.

Aside from doing his usual load of the work and maybe a little extra in case some of his smithy workers didn't show today, Sokka will later be out in the plaza making some voice messages. After chopping down another flaming log spear into a reasonably non-burning trunk to sit on, he gets started. Let's see, time to free up his schedule. He clicks his pen and gets started on filters.]

[Filtered 10% to Housemates]

The village is being attacked by flaming tree-sized spears. Keep your eyes on the sky, just in case. It looks like it's let up for now, but you know how it is with the weather, right? It could start up again anytime soon. I don't think bringing an umbrella will help.

[Filtered 5% to Xion, Misaka, and Ty Lee]

I know how this must sound. I think. Well, it might not sound like how I think it does. But anyway. I maaaay have over committed with all of this spirit training stuff. So I was wondering if, you know, maybe we could cut back just a little on that. Maybe even combine lessons too. There's no rule that says only two people can sit around quietly waiting for spirits to start showing up, right? Right. Of course there isn't. But you know, there's always the school. Just a thought.

[Filtered 5% to Hugo]

Hey, the Aila is ready for a coat of paint. Better free up your schedule for that.

[No Filter]

So. Flaming spears from the sky. Do we have a culprit yet?

*katara, *hugo, [voice], [action], *kokonoe, *yuzu, *xion, *ginko, *smoker, *tsuzuki, *ty lee

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