Sokka the 19th - [Action/Voice]

Mar 11, 2010 08:10

[Sick of Sokka yet? The mun is. This is forward dated to tomorrow morning (the 11th). The date on the post has been temporally modified by SCIENCE to reflect this.

So after two days in the woods with his sister, Sokka returned to town... only to become restless and return to the forest for another two nights, on his own, to find Zuko. Unfortunately on his first day of searching, he was attacked by angry wolves (or at least that's how he tells the story) and lost his journals after spending the night in a tree. After realizing he didn't grab his canteen, but his spare 'fuel tank' from an experiment two months ago, Sokka wandered the woods in a rum-induced drunken haze whereupon he awoke the next morning at the far end of the forest, mysteriously dressed in clothes he didn't remember bringing.

After traversing all day and night, surviving only on beef jerky and what little snow remained on the ground (that wasn't tainted), Sokka finally makes it back to the village and to his home, having missed most of everything that happened the past few days. When he finally stumbled back to his house, he has a particularly displeased expression as he finds his journal lying in front of the door, as it to mock him. But he decides not to let that bother him. He just picks it open and activates a voice post.]

Hey everyone. I'm back, sorry the smithy was unattended to for the last few days, but I was lost in the woods and Winry presumably had some kind of girl problems or something. But we'll be back in business today!

[And after concluding his message, Sokka heads into the house to go find some food. If of course he happens to find any new and unexpected housemates, they can feel free to notice his presence. And maybe question why he's dressed in his Kyoshi Warrior uniform (sans the makeup).]

*arado, *ginko, *aang, [action], *winry, *longshot

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