Sokka the 12th - [Written/Action]

Feb 08, 2010 22:52

[Filtered to his friends at 80%. You know who you are, people.]

Since my sister arrived, me, Toph, and Zuko have moved to House 56. Right next to Building 5, hard to miss. Just thought I'd filter this though, what with evil demons going around destroying houses and stuff. So feel free to update your address book!

[And that's all Sokka is writing ( Read more... )

*katara, *hugo, [voice], *toph, *anise, *brook, *sanji, *winry, [written], *zuko

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[Action] markofthebrave February 9 2010, 04:17:25 UTC
[Having considerably less to move, Katara claims the room across Sokka's and is pretty much... done. Have a knock on the door frame.] Hey. Need any help?


[Action] markofthewise February 9 2010, 04:19:35 UTC
[Sokka glances behind him and kind of shrugs.]

Actually I think I'm about wrapped up here. No more stairs!


[Action] markofthebrave February 9 2010, 04:24:02 UTC
Oh. [She comes in anyway and sits on his bed.] These houses are really nice.


[Action] markofthewise February 9 2010, 04:27:37 UTC
[He takes a seat in a chair, but sits backwards in it because he's totally awesome like that.]

Yeah, it's not bad. It beats camping out in the woods, though. Or sleeping on Appa's saddle. [Ah, the wonderful memories of being chased around by Azula.]


[Action] markofthebrave February 9 2010, 04:32:12 UTC
[laughs] Or not sleeping at all!

So... two months, huh? [Awkward. Why does this feel so awkward.] What have you been doing all this time?


[Action] markofthewise February 9 2010, 04:36:32 UTC
[Definitely awkward. Sister from the past who you haven't seen in two months. Who also hates one of your friends. Hrrrrrm.]

Well after realizing there was no way out of here, we've just been trying to make the best of it. Make new friends, explore the place, that kind of things. Guess I was kind of lucky Toph was already here. She had to be here for a week by herself. [Sokka never did ask her about that. Hm.]


[Action] markofthebrave February 9 2010, 04:49:55 UTC
Oh no! Poor Toph! ...heh, although I'm sure she was fine. She's Toph.

[And she's gonna look away for a minute. Two months with just the two of them, experiencing the end of the war... it's like she's talking to a stranger. That's gonna make her mad in 3...2...] It's so weird. I didn't... miss you at all. And you said I did all this stuff I don't remember! I don't understand how they could take me from before and have you not remember I was gone. Why would they do that!


[Action] markofthewise February 9 2010, 05:05:52 UTC
[Okay Sokka. You can handle this. If Gran-Gran and dad can do it, so can you. You're the older brother and you have like, an extra six months on her in age that you didn't have before. Time to completely defuse the situation as the older, responsible brother.]

You weren't gone. We've both been in this place before, we just don't remember it for some reason. This place is just weird all around. Really, I don't know why they want to mess with us. Probably some stupid experiment or something. Anyways, not to sound sappy or anything, but it's not like a few months means we're not siblings anymore.


[Action] markofthebrave February 9 2010, 05:24:54 UTC
Well of course not! [She hadn't even thought of that. He was Sokka, who'd been there after Mom died and after Dad left, who'd traveled with her around the world. She might not always want to be seen with him in public, but he was her brother, and nothing was going to change that. Nothing.] How could you even say that!

[Time to stand up and make with the angry pacing] Just because you remember things that I don't doesn't change what I do remember. Ugh! How dare they do something like this! It's not fair!


[Action] markofthewise February 9 2010, 05:39:20 UTC
[Greeeeat. She managed to take that out of context. Just his luck. Best to let her work it out of her system.]

You're absolutely right. [There, a victory in itself. When in doubt, just agree. But in case that's not enough, he stands up and takes her by the shoulders.] But things haven't been fair for us in a long time. We have to stay strong for like, Toph and stuff. She's very impressionable.


[Action] markofthebrave February 9 2010, 05:46:02 UTC
Toph. Impressionable. [You should have quit while you were ahead, Sokka.] Sokka. She's an earthbender. She's about as impressionable as rock!

[But she doesn't break out of your hold and isn't yelling.]


[Action] markofthewise February 9 2010, 05:54:56 UTC
Right. And Earthbenders make rocks very impressionable. But earthbenders can't do anything to water, except throw rocks in it. So we have to be like, water that... okay, I have no idea where this metaphor is going. Anyways, I'm glad to see you again. I actually had to learn how to cook!


[Action] markofthebrave February 9 2010, 19:21:36 UTC
[Have a tiny wry chuckle. It's good to see some things don't change.] You? Cook? That I have to see. Not... you know, taste. But see.


[Action] markofthewise February 9 2010, 19:25:21 UTC
[Mission accomplished.]

I'll have you know that my food is actually edible. And not just for me, either!


[Action] markofthebrave February 9 2010, 19:35:21 UTC
Right, Sokka. Sure. [She's going to step back and sit on the bed again, but he gets a shot a quick grateful look before she breaks contact.]

Then I guess you won't mind demonstrating tonight!


[Action] markofthewise February 9 2010, 19:42:02 UTC
Oh fine. [He was hoping you would cook a decent meal around here. Not that Sanji hasn't kept them fed well, but there's nothing like authentic Water Tribe cuisine.] Sausages for dinner it is.


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