Sokka the 47th - [Voice/Action]

Oct 04, 2010 22:49

I guess that's it for the new people, unless it starts up again this month. Well, anyway, I'm Sokka. Or Sokka Thunderaxe as some have been known to call me. I'm fine with either one.

I run the smithy here in town, known as the Slash 'n Crash, along with Edward and Winry. They both work for me. [They don't, but this is some rather obvious trolling here.] So if you need any kind of weapons made, or sharpened, or you know... some other kind of odd job. I'm the go to guy for that. There isn't money, so... the stuff is free. But we do accept favors as payment! Or food. Or well, anything. Just ask for me, Sokka. That's with an okka. [Accept no substitutes.]

[Filtered to Raine]

Speaking of which, mind dropping by today?

[Filtered to Regal and Gelda]

Sooooo. [A beat.] How did it go?

[For you action lovers out there, Sokka can be found at his usual haunts. School, the smithy, eating lunch in the plaza, or generally hanging out around his house.]

*poland, *jack sparrow, *blackbeard, *miu, *patchouli, *regal, *raine, *edward, *paru, *shikamaru, *katara, [action], [voice], at the smithy, *selphie, *fujiko mine, *buffy, *gelda, *aldo, *guy cecil

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