[Tomorrow. Tomorrow is tomorrow. Today, she has plans.]
Hey, Winry - do you still want to go get pizza today? I can make it for lunch, but... I can't hang out the whole day.
[She will also be making a point to visit her friends today, specifically the Straw Hat House. She wants to check in on Sanji, now that she knows what's happened to him
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Thank all that's good in this world and all the others for that.
Still, he's keeping an eye out for any strange behavior.]
Hey, Hitsugaya!
Hey. [And since beating around the bush is not something he really does:] Ready for tomorrow?
And - way to get to the point.]
[Time for a subject change. He doesn't like this talk of drafts and war and such. Especially when he can't fight.]
Seems like the... strange stuff is over.
No. They've no right. [That's a point he'll easily concede. Even not having been part of those types of experiments, he'll concede it. After all, he came back from a kidnapping so drugged he couldn't function.] But you come through it. You deal with it. And you're still yourself when it's all said and done.
[And when it's all said and done, that sense of self can only get stronger.]
No. They can't take that away from us. We just have to adapt.
Pause. So much pausing.] You lot going to keep in touch while you're over there? [It's not like he cares to know how you're doing or anything. No need to try reading any more into it that just a curious question.]
[She starts a little at that and gives him an assessing look before bringing out a reassuring smile. It's a practiced one, nearly patented, and for all that - genuine.] We're going to try to - they said that we could use the journals out there. I might not be up for much talking, but I'll probably write a little something in it every day.
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