[ Action ] .036

Jan 07, 2011 16:38

[Grief is a part of life, and when it's something as serious as friends going away, never seeing them again, being left - Katara has learned that it's best to stitch it in to her days, to continue to live her life as she normally would but to take moments. Moments where she'll close her eyes in pain, moments where she'll pause to remember, moments to allow herself to be sad.

But as she desired to continue to live, Katara also knew it was important to intersperse those moments with moments of celebration - celebration for the joy there was in simply living. Aang had taught her that. And so this morning when her hands brushed the rest of the Malnosso present hanging in her wardrobe, Katara decided to put it on. Maybe it was just an impulse, a momentary whim brought on by shopping with Haruhi the other day. Maybe it was because she knew Nami would have liked to see her in it - a moment's pain and breathe - or maybe it was because today was January 7th, and if she was home and everything was normal, it would be her birthday today.

Regardless, the waterskin slides on over this dress just as well as it does her tunic, and in an impulsive moment, Katara decides to use the hair accessories as well. The outfit isn't quite as easy to move in as her regular tunic; hopefully her expertise as a warrior won't be called for as she is out and about in today's light snowfall. She'll make a point of stopping by to see her pirate friends and checking in on her ninja friends - recently returned from mallynappings and all.

Later, in her accustomed practicing hours, Katara decides to do something different. Half on impulse, she makes her way over to the main Square by the road between the Good Spirits and the Slash and Crash. It's quiet enough after dinner that she's able to get a good start, and the light dusting of large flat snowflakes only adds to the feeling of quiet, of almost home.

And so, by streetlight, by moonlight, Katara constructs something that might be in memory to her friends who've returned home, that might be simply because she wants to make something beautiful. She'll be there for some time, even after the bulk of the sculpture is completed, putting on the finishing touches... and debating whether or not to drop in to the Good Spirits. Feel free to come by at any point - even if you just want to note the statue after she's been long gone.]

dressed like a princess, only an artist when it's with bending, *sokka, might need something stronger than soda, her friends are.. pirates and ninjas, bending is therapy, *rydia, swear not, everybody's got to breathe sometime, *riku, *san, joie de vivre, she loves this weather, *richard, happy birthday but not really, *chouji, run into her anywhere, *nephry, at the strawhat house, *smellerbee, *soul, water adapts, *brook, last waterbender of her tribe, out and about, *sanji, action action action, *sheik, why does sadness = tl;dr, finding peace where i can, *shikamaru, i know i shouldn't miss you

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