Cape and Cowl app

Jun 23, 2011 23:25

NAME: Ally
AGE: 22
JOURNAL: sarcastic_kitty
IM: daisychain tiara (AIM)

FANDOM: Harry Potter
CHRONOLOGY: Pre-books; Lily is coming from earlier in the day that Voldemort busts in and kills her and James. She’s still happy, and healthy, and very much alive.
ALTER EGO: Lily Evans, and she works in a bookstore.

Lily Evans was born to a normal family, in a normal town, in normal England. She was very close to her older sister, Petunia, and her parents, and she had a happy, relatively normal childhood. Or, at least, that’s how she saw it. Sure, strange things (in some cases, really strange things) had a habit of happening around her, but just like everyone else, she dismissed them as weird coincidences, and went along her merry way.

That was, until she was nine years old, and Severus Snape came into her life. Lily’s not-so-normal magical abilities had captured Snape’s attention, and he was the first person to tell her that she wasn’t just a normal little girl; Lily had magic, and she was a witch. The two of them quickly became friends, and Snape helped her understand her magic, and taught her about the Wizarding World. The more time Lily spent with Snape, the less time she spent with her sister, and she and Petunia grew apart. Because they had had been so close before, this was a blow to both sisters. Lily tried to make things better with her sister, but Petunia dealt with it by shutting her out. Lily’s parents, however, were thrilled when they found out their daughter was a witch, and were proud of her (which probably didn’t make things with Petunia any easier).

When Lily was eleven, she was accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry (just like Snape told her she would be), and she was sorted into Gryffindor. It was on the train to Hogwarts that she first met her future husband, James Potter, and his best friend, Sirius Black, both of whom she took an instant disliking to. Although she and Snape, who was sorted into Slytherin, were in different houses, they remained best friends until their fifth year. She was a popular student, and had a lot of friends (though she definitely did not count that arrogant toerag James Potter and his group of friends among them, at least until after she started dating him).

She was more than just another pretty face at Hogwarts, though; Lily was a gifted witch, and at the top of her class. Even before she started her magical education at Hogwarts, Lily was able to control her magic to a degree that most witches and wizards, muggle-borns especially, can’t. She was able to float down to the ground after jumping off of a swing, and manipulate the petals of a flower for her sister, to demonstrate her magical abilities. This early talent continued through Hogwarts, where she showed talent in all of her subjects, particularly charms (her wand was “good for charm work”), and potions. She impressed the potions master, Horace Slughorn, enough that he would later refer to her as “exceedingly bright,” and count her as one of the members of his “slug club,” which consisted of his favorite students, all deemed by him to have potential, or because of their influential relatives. Lily was such a good student that she became a prefect in her fifth year at Hogwarts, and Head Girl in her seventh year. Her talent didn’t go unnoticed by Voldemort, who overlooked the fact that she was a muggle born and asked her to join his Death Eaters even before she left school. Dumbledore also took notice, and asked her to join The Order of the Phoenix after she graduated.

Lily’s fifth year at Hogwarts was when things really began to change for her. That was the year that her best friend, Snape, called her a mudblood (while she was defending him from that arrogant toerag, James Potter, and his friends), and their friendship changed forever. He apologized for it later, and insisted that he hadn’t meant to say it, but his fascination with the dark arts and his friendship with the aspiring Death Eaters in Slytherin had not gone on unnoticed by Lily, and she asked him if he still intended to become a Death Eater when he left school. When he didn’t deny it, she ended their friendship.

James Potter was also asking her out repeatedly by her fifth year, though she really had no interest in dating an arrogant toerag, and, at one point, told him she’d much rather date the giant squid. Despite the fact that he was a bully, she did admire his loyalty to his friends and peers (that weren’t Slytherins, anyway), and she couldn’t help but notice the fact that he had an annoying habit of messing up his hair and acting like an idiot whenever he was around her. She finally agreed to go out with him in their seventh year, after he became Head Boy, “deflated his head a bit,” and stopped hexing random people (or at least, he stopped doing it where she could see him do it.).

After graduating Hogwarts, Lily joined the Order of the Phoenix, with James, and his friends Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. She also married James not too long after, with Sirius as the best man at their wedding. She eventually became pregnant, and gave birth to her and James’s son, Harry, in July of 1980.
Lily’s talent served her well during the first Wizarding War, where she and her husband personally defied Voldemort three times, something that could only be said for one other couple, Frank and Alice Longbottom. The war was hard, though, like all wars, and Lily had to watch friends and loved ones die in the fight against Voldemort. The worst thing that could happen, however, did, when Sybill Trelawney made a prediction about a child being born with the power to defeat Voldemort. Lily’s former best friend, Snape, heard the prophecy, and reported it to Voldemort, who in turn, suspected it to be Lily’s son, Harry. Snape, who was in love with Lily, and didn’t want to see her die at the hands of the dark lord, then took this information to Dumbledore, who convinced the Potters to go into hiding with the Fidelius charm, and Lily and James chose their friend, Peter Pettigrew, as their secret keeper.

Lily is a Gryffindor, and is a model of being “brave at heart.” And she is, ultimately, one of the kindest people you will ever meet. She’s described as being able to see the best in people, even when they themselves cannot see it, and it is, quite possibly, the most dominant part of her personality. She’s an extremely caring, nurturing person. Lily is the type of person who would stop in the middle of the street to comfort a complete stranger who looks upset, and she would try to make them feel better, if possible. She even found redeeming qualities in James Potter, despite the fact that she saw him mostly as a bully and wasn’t a big fan of his until their seventh year. And her friendship with Severus Snape depended heavily on her ability to look at the best in people, especially as they got older and he became more and more interested in the dark arts and showed interest in becoming a death eater.

That isn’t to say that Lily only looked at the good things in people. Again, like with James Potter, she treated him with nothing but contempt for six years, because of the way he treated his fellow students. When Snape called her a mudblood in front of other Hogwarts students, she couldn’t look past the darker side of his personality any more, and ended their friendship. Lupin would later go on to say that once her good opinion was lost, it was lost forever. She could have a temper at times, and a sharp tongue whenever provoked. She’s a person with some strong opinions, principles, and morals, and this shapes her opinions on people, and how she treats them.

Lily also has a sense of humour that can, in some ways, match her husband’s. Though she’s never been one to enjoy the misfortune of others, she does enjoy the occasional harmless prank, as long as everyone involved is having fun (if it’s having fun at the expense of others, though she’s not a fan, and is going to give James and Sirius a lecture about why being mean to other people is not a good thing.). She can be a bit goofy, too, sometimes, and isn’t above dressing like a pirate and staging sword fights with her husband or his best friend to amuse her son.

Lily is the kind of person who would throw herself in front of a bus to protect her family. She’s as far from being self-centered as someone can get, and can sometimes forget to take care of herself when she’s taking care of other people. She worries a lot about the people she cares about, and she tends to care about people too easily. Unless someone gives her a good reason to dislike them, she can get along with anyone.

That isn’t to say, though, that’s she’s a very trusting person. She’s spent a while in hiding now, scared that Voldemort is going to show up at her door to kill her and her family, and she’s spent even longer than that fighting in a war. She’s a very guarded person, and while she’ll sit and talk a person through their troubles, she very even lets on that she has some of her own. Her role in the war against Voldemort has left a mark on her, as wars often do to people who have participated in them, even though she refuses to show it. All of this has made her even more caring and protective of those she loves, because she’s afraid to lose them.

Magic! Lily is an extremely gifted witch, especially good at charms and potions. Give her the ingredients, and she can brew up a top-notch potion for you. Give her a wand, and she can do just about anything you ask her to.

[The camera clicks on, and it’s focused on a very confused looking woman, who seems more focused on investigating the camera than actually talking to it.]

Is this thing actually on? I’m not entirely sure. But then, I suppose that’s something else I can add to the list of things I’m not entirely sure about at the moment. Other items on the list include where I am, how I got here, and who’s going to change Harry’s diapers if I’m not there to do it for him. I suppose James could always do it, but I’m not sure I want to put up with the complaining about the smell again. The last time, he wouldn’t stop talking about it for what seemed like days.

No, he isn’t an extra-smelly human dungbomb, he’s a baby, and all poo smells like that.

[She blinks, and, if possible, looks even more confused than she did when she started talking.] I can’t believe I actually just said that. Actually, I can’t believe I’m sitting here, rambling about poo when there are far more important things to worry about.

I don’t suppose anyone who can hear me and hasn’t been scared off by all of my diaper talk can tell me where I am? I’d appreciate it.

LOGS POST (THIRD PERSON) SAMPLE: Although Lily would never admit to it if anyone, even James, asked her, staying indoors, within the protection of the Fidelius Charm, was starting to get to her. It wasn’t quite as bad for her as it was for her husband yet, because she was much better at finding outlets for her restlessness, but she was starting to feel that if they didn’t find a way out of the mess they were in soon, she wouldn’t be able to handle it for much longer. Letters and visits from friends only did so much to help, and, unfortunately, as things seemed to be getting worse and worse, the visits from their fellow order members and friends were getting farther and farther apart. She didn’t blame them in the slightest, though; Order business always came first. Always. She knew that better than most people, having had to watch James go off on Order business, and wait for him to come home while she had been pregnant with Harry. As nice as more visits from their friends would have been, she knew that it wasn’t realistic for them to drop by for tea every afternoon while a war was happening.

There were, of course, always visits from Bathilda to look forward to. She visited every day, and always brought the latest news and interesting stories. Sure, she may have been a bit off but that didn’t make her any less of a lovely guest to have. And, most importantly, she was company, and that was something that Lily sorely needed in her life.

It was because of this that Lily couldn’t help but envy Harry, as she thought about all of this. Her son, as happy as any one year old could be, wasn’t affected by being confined to the house. He didn’t know that there was a war going on, and that they were in hiding from the most evil wizard to have ever lived. No, Harry was happy. He was happy because he was safe, and at home with his parents, who loved him, and the cat, who he loved to chase. He had toys, people to play with him, and his favorite stuffed rabbit. He didn’t care that there was a whole world outside of his house that he couldn’t experience. And Lily envied that. And she loved that those things were all he needed, because he was happy, and, when she thought about it, Harry’s happiness was all she needed to keep her going whenever she started to get cabin fever.

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