Another page turns...

Aug 05, 2008 23:07

So, Chris and I are no longer dating...

It started off with a very odd phone call yesterday from him saying that he needed to talk to me.  When I asked him what it was about, he wouldn't tell me...made me start thinking.  Then some odd text messages last night...Said he would call me today and go out for coffee.

Well, he called me, said he was still sick from last week and said that he wanted to meet with me in person, but didn't have the energy.  So he told me over the phone that he couldn't date me anymore due to things in his life making him crazy.  Said he couldn't put the time and effort into what we had.  Still wants to be friends...we'll see about that.  Said I was an amazing guy...yeah, like I haven't heard that break up line before.... was only 5 weeks...

Not so sure I want to see him again anyway...he's gonna have to make a huge effort to even begin to show as a blip on my radar.  I'm not angry, not sad, just a bit numb since I never really got closure, as I haven't seen him since over a week ago...

so, i'm single again   ...woohoo..   .happy beginning to my 31st...
Thank you again to everyone who made my birthday (before all this) very special!  I really love all of you and know that this is only a small, insignificant bump in the road. why do i feel so empty and confused....?
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