(no subject)

Mar 08, 2014 22:57

I made some awesome cookies today. Double chocolate, mint and cranberry cookies. These things are insane! I felt inspired when I came across a bottle of mint extract in the kitchen today. Luckily the boss is gone leaving me in charge the last few days so I was free to get to baking. I have never imagined something and then created it so expertly. Normally things just don't compare to my imagination. Reality tends to let me down. But this time it was perfect. I ended up finding some Martha Stuart recipe online for double chocolate cookies and altered it a bit before adding the peppermint extract and cranberries. I dumped some shit and measured nothing so recreating them may never happen. But they are truly amazing. I am being as humble as possible.

Right now I am at work for longer than expected. I wanted to come for two weeks and then take two weeks off since this is slow time. But everyone else wanted time off too so here I am. The boss left too so I am in charge so thats nice. No one will ever question my methods. Everyone does what I tell them too. As a whole we have actually all worked harder than we would if the boss was here. I swear if people like you they will work hard for you. If people hate their boss they don't have that extra encouragement to do a good job. I care a little more about my job because I like my boss. If I hated him I wouldn't care nearly as much if this place runs smoothly. But if I hated my boss I would be inclined to fuck shit up just to get him in shit from the higher ups. This has been going on with our housekeepers and our miserable head housekeeper lately.

I have other reasons for taking care of the place so he could take off for a while. I want extra time off this summer. In May and Sept and probably July. I have done more than enough favours around here for everyone, working nonstop and stuff for over a year. I need to make sure no one questions all my time off. I have a forest to attend to!
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