Valhalla Saturday

Apr 19, 2008 22:46

Thursday was an scheduled off day, and I missed Friday.
I did some "girl carry sprints" to try to atone for the miss:

Pick up 80lb girl in a fireman carry. Sprint 40m. Race girl back to start.
Pick up 55lb girl in a fireman carry. Sprint 40m. Race girl back to start.
30 seconds rest.

Saturday, the girls and I went bike riding some before bed. Headed down to the park where they helped me do sort of a make-up for Tuesday.

200m dash (actually 70-pace section back and forth 3 lengths)
10 push-ups
rest 1 minute

2 reps. For time, clock stops during rest.

Daughter the Elder reported 66 seconds and 92 seconds for the two sets.
I calibrated her counting at home against an actual clock, and she was within 10%, so we'll call that accurate.

Tomorrow I will tackle Saturday's workout.
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