Mar 26, 2006 17:38
Don't forget it's PJ DAY tomorrow. Meaning:
1) WEAR YOUR PJS. Do not chicken out on us... AGAIN [probz not you guys but last time... grr.]
2) If you bring your uniform, DO NOT admit to having it in your locker, car, washroom, bag.. etc.
Wait until they actually send you home to go get it and then you don't have to actually go home.
But lots of people are like: yes.. it's right here! And obviously that complicates things...
Haha. Sorry I'm being a bossy bitch just last time no one wore grub because they were asian scared of whatsherface's ugly face and then we got in trouble. Geez. So yay!
Point being,
I don't wanna go to school tomorrow. I wanna stay home tomorrow.
Don't ask... I just liking crossing stuff out.