I just got home from finishing the last of my oh-so-scary mid year exams.
I had 3 core subjects this semester - neurological physio, cardiothoracic physio, and musculoskeletal physio. All three subjects had a practical exam (50%) and a written exam (50%). All six of my exams were within 10 days.
So I've been pretty freaked out over the last month or so, studying really hard, lots of group sessions at friends' houses (thanks sooo much Clare, Susan and Mel!!).
Personal hygiene has gone out the window. I haven't shaved in about 2 weeks. This is about as much facial hair as I can muster lol.
Today was the last one, thank god, even though I kinda got a dodgy question (ambiguous wording) I think I did enough to pass. At least we find out our results really soon. I guess we start clinical placements soon, so if they need to sit a supp exam they need to organise it now.
Hopefully it won't come to that!
As a treat to myself, I bought GTAIV on the way home (heeee).. I'm such a geek, but I've been looking forward to it for so long now, and I've been holding back coz I didn't want it to interfere with my studies. Now all bets are off! I can see myself being stuck into it for the next few weeks...
ARGHAGHGAHGH! I just have so many things I want to do with myself now that I have free time.. you know how you make lists of stuff to do when procrastinating? yes? no? My lists are huge.
I want to go on a photo assignment to West Melbourne, just coz I never go that way..
I want to jump on a random tram and see where I end up.
I want to eat chips on the pier at St Kilda beach.
I want to hit snooze on the alarm clock more than twice.
I want to go trawling through op shops, especially out in Dandenong or Frankston or somewhere out.
I want to not feel guilty for just bludging at home for an afternoon.
I want to bake something.
I want to go for a drive in the country with Tim, maybe pop into a winery or two.
I want to lie in a park, with a newspaper and a good coffee and just soak up the sun.
I want to go to Game On at Fed Square.
I want to buy lovely things at the market and make a fancy lunch just for the sake of it.
I want to clock GTAIV.
I want to go clubbing and dance like a crazy person.
I want to listen to live music. Anyone! Anywhere!!
I want to have a house party and invite lots of fun people and wake up the neighbours.
I want to watch Sex and the City with Kim - at long long last. Then maybe watch it again.
I want to catch up on Greys Anatomy, Scrubs, Gossip Girl and Ugly Betty.
I want to know what my friends are actually doing in their lives. More than 'hey how was your weekend?'
Those are just some of the things I want to do.
And suddenly, my world seems that much brighter! *exhales*