Virgin Mobile boooo

Jun 29, 2007 15:24

Virgin Mobile is running a series of ads in Australia at the moment which feature photographs which they nabbed from Flickr, without getting consent from either the original photographer, or the subject in the images.

Apparently, they are acting within the CC-BY license which the photographs were licensed under, as they did credit the photographers by including a link to their Flickr homepages at the bottom of the ads.

I can't believe that they can get away with that!! I mean, surely it's just a common courtesy to let someone know you're using their images.

One of the images they used features a young Asian girl doing a 'peace/victory' sign, with the caption "Dump Your Pen Friend".. The fact that they're making a joke about this girl, implying that she's some kind of loser pen-friend, and didn't get her permission to do so is just unbelievable.

Below are links to some of the ads, and the original images :

> Advertisement
> Original Image

> Advertisement
> Original Image

copyright, internet, flickr, technology

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