Aug 03, 2004 18:23
FaMoUsBoY008 [2:38 PM]: markie this realson ship isnt going to work becuz we will probly never see each other and you lost a friend (maelisa) becuz of me and as much as i dont want to i have to break up with you and i dont know if i can trust my self in high school and i really do love you and if i knew this realson ship would work out then i wouldnt be doing this but i still want to be your friend and i want you to be friends with maelisa and sarah there really great people and i dont want you losing there friend ship becuz of me so...... you can decied if were still friends or not and i do love you but i just cant trust my self
SharpieXMarkie [2:39 PM]: umm
SharpieXMarkie [2:39 PM]: okay
FaMoUsBoY008 [2:39 PM]: im sorry
SharpieXMarkie [2:39 PM]: its cool
FaMoUsBoY008 [2:39 PM]: ok
FaMoUsBoY008 [2:39 PM]: so are we still friends
SharpieXMarkie [2:39 PM]: yep.
FaMoUsBoY008 [2:39 PM]: ok