Jan 30, 2017 12:32
- Sun, 17:12: Only been back two days but I'm already pissed of with my flat mates and I haven't even seen them yet
- Sun, 17:13: Look if they're going to use my cutlery can they at least wash it up?!
- Sun, 17:13: And can they not use my water filter to make alcoholic drinks?!
- Sun, 17:13: And don't leave me and overflowing bin to take out when nothing is even mine!
- Sun, 17:14: Can't wait to move out.
- Sun, 17:15: Not sure how I'm going to survive the next four and a bit months in this place
- Sun, 17:17: I should get food but I'm too tired to move
- Sun, 19:18: Trying to be the last bidder on an item and having to wait another 4 minutes to place my bid.
- Sun, 22:45: RT @ EvaKilgrave: *dead* *do not disturbe to spring* https://t.co/7OAT96EJ4K
- Mon, 08:08: Old memories bubble up to the surface accompanied by a bitters... More for Libra https://t.co/COUxXwRDcY