(no subject)

Jun 10, 2007 01:58


I like geek friends. when I lived in michigan I had nice geek friends who liked ninja movies and played d&d and it was awesome--I had so much fun with them. and then I moved and I thought it would be sad because I would not have geek friends who wanted to see sci fi ninja fantasy movies, so I would be forced to rent them in secret or convince the new not-geeky friends to watch with me when really they only wanted to see dawson's creek: the movie over and over again[1,2]. anyway, that's not what happened at all. anytime a sci-fi fantasy geekfest movie comes out my friend k sends the email and we go to see it in the theater, sometimes even on opening night (although it's true that k does not like actual kung fu movies, which is sad, but moving on...).

this was all well and good. things were peachy. then they tried to convince me to play video games, which I don't want to do. so I countered, why don't YOU lot play d&d instead? this went over better than expected. k had played before, but had battle scars--she played a bard, and they made her SING--frankly I'm surprised she is willing to try again, but it comes as no surprise that she is not playing a bard. anyway, this was all well and good, but I didn't want to run the game. I haven't run a game in... well a very long time. it was 1st edition back then, and I knew that system well at the time. and it wouldn't really make sense to ask b or k to do it, because they haven't played much or at all. so I have 3 players, mostly new, a target game version (3.5, because I likes the skillz rulez in that edition) and no DM in sight. so I'm posting on random boards (well, I was planning to, I only actually got around to posting on one) and then tonight we find the elusive DM right in front of us. it was so easy--I know him already and he's nice and I didn't even know he played (and wouldn't still except that I was going on about it in front of seemingly normal people without any regard for how their straight (as in non-geek) sensibilities might be damaged).

newly aquired DM asked about the 100% female demographic. in response, k said we were all going to get my little ponies. I want to be sure to adequately convey the amount of dripping sarcasm this involved. the extent to which it dripped with sarcasm? DM threatened dire punishment for any my little pony acquistion. and we now have GAME! I'm so excited..

I would like to thank many people for getting me to this moment:

-my parent, for not thinking D&D was satanic
-my older brother, for making us pause the game for 90 minutes when our characters encountered sleeping gas
-my high school boyfriend, for thinking a girl who played D&D was the best thing ever
-my friends at TESC who gamed constantly and taught me the fun of competing for love (or sex) with NPCs
-michigan geek friends
-NC geek friends
-and of course, a special shout out to new DM!

I would also like to acknowledge my favorite characters of all time:

-Omika (japanese ranger who worshiped amaterasu omikami): age 10
-Malaki (half-elven cleric/mage who had many adventures in the underdark with skeeve the third, a fighter/mage): age 17
-Half-Moon (CN elven magic-user/thief, successfully captured the heart of the NPC and annoyed the many lawful good, magic-hating, lesbian paladins in her party): age 19
-Tarynth (half-elven cleric/mage, 1st 3.5 character, much shadowy backstory including friends--with and without gay subtext--evil necromancer dad, evil household servants, and various mentors and students): age 31

I liked some of tarynth's friends so much that I started to play them in the campaign:

-Jorel (grey elf ranger, possible love interest, he did NOT leave when the peasant exploded--see below--because he thought it would be wrong to abandon tarynth in the company of such savages)
-Pasmadavahla (Pasma, grey elf cleric, left in a flurry of righteous protest when the adventurers accidentally exploded a peasant)
-Adric (half-elven mage/thief) never got into the action. I think when you're fighting gods it's hard to work in a pick-pocket.

1- no disrespect to dawson's creek fans
2- no, there is no dawson's creek: the movie (as far as I know)
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