(no subject)

Apr 09, 2007 20:47

things I have been doing while bed-ridden with death flu since saturday

in the boring but true category:

1. sleep
2. consuming: medication, lemon ginger tea, orange huice, grape soda, water, soups of all kinds, and eggy on toast (wait, we're not total fascists yet, that's eggs and englich muffins to you)

and my proudest moment:

3. I showered this evening for the first time in 3 days!

in the fannish and crazy category:

1. watched season 2 of the new doctor who series in its entirety between saturday and sunday. am eagerly awaiting approval from community-whose-name-shall-not-be-disclosed in hopes that they will provide gateway to s3... soon.

2. looked for the babble board and duck's fanfiction only to find it all gone. when did this happen? I knwo it's been awhile since I've looked, but has it really been that long? happily, land of denial is still around: http://www.landofdenial.com/index1.html

3. read this: http://www.boilsandblindingtorment.com/Wrecked.htm and laughed my ass off because even after 3 years, I am annoyed at the anvilous nature of s6 buffy

4. perused doctor who fanfiction site recommended by honorh: http://www.whofic.com and realized that I am a VERY oldschool doctor who fan and all this talk of the doctor kissing people (let alone having nc-17 sex with them) is way way too much for me. maybe that will change, but I am afraid that the asexual doctor of my childhood still reigns supreme at present.

5. amused myself at bbc website with clips from "classic" doctor who: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/clips/index.shtml and this neato episode index: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/episodeguide/oohum/ that lets you search by "uhm, I think there was this guy doing this thing with a purple hat on, which episde was that?"

I know. I have way too much time on my hands. it's just that I need to get better and in order to achieve that I must stay in bed. did I mention that I watched the whole billion and a half hours long making of/episode commentary for new doctor who season 2? yeah, I did. those bbc people really REALLY love doctor who. it's kind of precious.

finally, since I am all soul-baring right now. I want everyone to know that if I so much as sit up for a minute, puppy steals my pillow by curling up right in the middle of it. also, does she respect my illness by not spitting all over herself with toxic allergens? no! of course not...

that's all.
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