http://www.yorku.ca/existere/ Genres: literary; all genres and forms are welcome, including poetry, short plays, short stories, postcard stories, arts & literature reviews, critical essays, interviews, etc
Does Not Accept/Want:
Fiction: no more then 3500 words; a maximum of 2 pieces of prose, 5 postcard stories
Essays/Articles: o more then 3500 words; a maximum of 2 pieces of prose
Poetry: up to 5 poems at one time
Reprints: No
Deadlines/Reading Period: Yes
Est. Response Time: two weeks for an acknowledgment of receipt and about one to three months for submission
Payment: Small honorarium and two contributor's copies
Existere: Journal of Arts and Literature
101E Vanier College
York University
Toronto, ON, Canada
M3J 1P3