SF | Perihelion Science Fiction

Sep 18, 2012 02:15

URL: http://www.perihelionsf.com/

Genres: Hard Science Fiction-the science and/or technology must be integral to the story
Does Not Accept/Want: Fantasy, Horror, Fan fiction, Poetry

Fiction: 1,000 - 7,000 words
Essays/Articles: articles discussing or explaining new and interesting discoveries in science, reviews of movies, TV shows, books, comics, even operas if they exist, that have clear science fiction themes; 1,000 - 7,000 words; reviews around 400 words

Reprints: no
Simultaneous/Multiple Subs: no / no

Deadlines/Reading Period: no
Est. Response Time: acknowledge of receipt within 2 days; up to a month for a response

Payment: fiction & articles - one cent per word, up to a maximum of $75, on acceptance; reviews - $10 on acceptance


hard science fiction, nonfic

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