SFFH | The Bards and Sages Quarterly

Aug 13, 2011 13:58

URL: http://www.bardsandsages.com/quarterly

Genres: Speculative Fiction (All)
Does Not Accept/Want: supernatural erotica, stories that are nothing more than laundry lists of criminal acts, paranormal romances, dark erotica

Fiction: up to 2,000 words

Reprints: no
Simultaneous/Multiple Subs: no / no

Deadlines/Reading Period: no
Est. Response Time: about 45 days

Payment: .01/word, payable upon publication via paypal and a digital copy of the issue


literary fantasy, eco-sf, supernatural, sword & sorcery, slipstream, fairy tale, space western, magical realism, steampunk, cyberpunk, urban fantasy, fable, spec fic, literary sf, heroic fantasy, dark specfic, high fantasy, historical sf, literary horror, fantasy, science fiction, horror, dark sf, soft sf, dark fantasy, dystopia, myth

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