The Health Lottery

Oct 08, 2011 00:06

A new thing apparently. Theres an exciting new lottery - we were killing ourselves for want of a new one - and it`s all about making the world a better place. We should all of course, as ultimately moral, however debauched and broken, human beings quite rightly buy into the notiion of the world being a better place. Hurrah for them!

I became aware of the health lottery whilst buying booze and fags. Impatient twat that I am, I found myself being quite agitated whilst the queue in front of me consisted of an extended marketing spiel - whilst very large placards were being waved around to illustrate the benefits to the shop I was in - about the health lottery. Oddly and bemusingly, my buying booze and fags was an astonishingly quick transaction. certainly quick enough for the health guru to have barely moved a fucking inch between me commencing it and me finishing it. ANd yet he didn`t say a word. Its almost, dear reader, as though he was more concerned with promoting the health lottery, than he was with my own personal health. If you can even imagine such a thing from someone employed in a marketing capacity.

As a result I have paid attention to the posters for said Health Lottery that have sprung up everywhere.over the last day or so "If you must pay a tax on your hopes and dreams" it`s as though they say "why not do so in the name of funding your good health?"

Theres nothing healthy about any of this.

Particular the garish colours and specifically the shocking pink afro of the cheeky chappy on the posters.

There is fuck all chance that the people behind this have somehow got confused and mistakenly thought they were just running a well meaning tombola at the village fete. And if you would like to argue against this, I want engaging and concrete arguments about how their advertising makes sense in YOUR context, or just shut the fuck up.

"we are promoting health. we know that mental illness and addiction are bad but we thought it might be fun to raise money by targeting this. why not give us some money? we might cure cancer or something"

fuck off. You are all scum. I know I`m insane, but I reckon curing cancer is worthwhile in and of itself, and if you genuinely believe that this is best done by jaunty posters with pink afros then i genuinley hope you die from yours before I die from mine.

I fancy a world in which the greater health of the people didn`t need a marketing budget, or a cheeky chappy if you aren`t in it you can`t win it mentality. ANyone with me on this? anyone? anyone? Bueller?
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