Aug 25, 2011 22:35
They reckon that it takes 1,000 hours of effort to get to the point where you are genuinely, gamechangingly, good at whatever it is you are doing. Which goes from "thats dead easy" to "fucking hell, thats quite a lot actually" the more you think about it. And a lot of being gamechangingly good at something therefore involves a certain amount of luck of being in the right place at the right time to blag those 1,000 hours.
The Beatles for instance got lucky - Hamburg promoter comes to London looking for bands and meets someone from Liverpool who recommends them - and as a result they get their 1,000 hours under the belt BEFORE being the commercially succesful recording outfit we all know them as. It`s perhaps interesting to note that Ringo was not with them for the majority of their 1,000 hours under the belt.
Bill Gates gets his 1,000 hours under his belt because he is lucky enough to know just the right people to get access to the mainframes off peak when such things are massively scare resources.
Few of us get lucky enough to actually get the 1,000 hours under our belt in a meaningful fashion. Perhaps all we CAN do is ask ourselves, genuinely, what we would LIKE to get the 1,000 hours in ON. Because then we have an actual aspiration - none of your Simon Cowell led false aspirations - but an ACTUAL aspiration. And to a greater or lesser extent, at this point we will all be engaged in Magick.
Thing is, I reckon I HAVE put in my 1,000 hours. I can do forensic voice analysis now.
I genuinely believe I will have at minimum a 99% success rate of going Thats Graeme. Thats Clint. Thats Clint. Thats Graeme. Thats Clint. etc. etc.