A few things

May 02, 2012 15:29

1. I think LJ will become a place where I post more "personal" things.  G+ has already caused me to have poster's regret a couple of times - something that I haven't really experienced since rasfwr-j.

It's kind of strange, because the mess of names I'd come to recognise on rasfwr-j hadn't really penetrated my brain sufficiently to make me differentiate between them.  I know, super insulting.  But I think I was just so self-involved at the time that I really didn't bother paying attention to who I was arguing with.  The people who did make an impression on me back then - the ones I felt like I "knew" - are mostly not the people I've been interacting with on LJ for the last six/seven years.  So they all feel like strangers to me now, and my core group of rasfwr-jians are the LJ people.

So on G+, I kinda feel like the guy at the party who thinks "I know those guys from LJ, so I'll go talk to them."  And then spends the whole party hanging around with just a couple of people.

2. I went to the doctor about my hand.  She chastised me for not going straight to emergency.  Then she looked at the cut and said "Healed!"  Apparently I'd done a remarkably good job of dressing it.  Totally accidental.  She re-dressed it, gave me a tetnis shot, and told me it should be fine by next week.

I also wanted to ask the doctor about a weird pulled-muscle/hernia feeling I've been having in my groin for the last few weeks.  But when I arrived and my doctor turned out to be a remarkably attractive woman who was roughly my age, I balked at the idea of asking her to touch me in my bathing suit area.

Other guys have laughed at me for not wanting a female doctor touching my junk, claiming that they'd much prefer a woman groping them than a man.  But I'm terrified of having a physical reaction.  With a male doctor, I can be fairly certain that won't happen.  Or if it does, I can just shrug at him and say "Sorry man, you know how fickle these things can be."

3. Avengers again tonight.  In 2D!  Sally was in England when I went last week, and she offered to shout my ticket if I went with her to see it.

4. There's an article of on Tor.com about who Benedict Cumberbatch is playing in the new Star Trek.  Big spoilers, if you care about that sort of thing.  But in the comments there was so much vitriol about Abrams' take on Star Trek that I could help myself from trolling them.

But it did make me realise that I'm very interested in things peripheral to Star Trek, while not being particularly enthusiastic about Star Trek itself.  I read the except from that new Scalzi book called Redshirts, and I believe I will be buying it when it gets released.  I think Galaxy Quest is an awesome movie - and I know enough about Trek history to really enjoy it.  And yet I've never sat through an entire episode of any of the shows.  And I thought the plot for the new movie was really clever, wrapping the continuity around on itself the way it did, but I probably knew the bare minimum about the original continuity to actually enjoy the idea of the new continuity.

I'm actually vaguely interested in watching the original series now, just so I can see how the next movie diverges from it.
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