Alphonse Elric | Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood | Vatheon Application

Jun 15, 2011 17:21

[ Player Name ] : Cat
[ Personal LJ ] : cheshire_chu
[ Age ] : 19
[ Timezone ] : EST
[ Other Characters ] :
permalineface | Ouran High School Host Club

[ Character's Name ] : Alphonse Elric
[ Character's Age ] : 15
[ Series ] : Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
[ Canon Point ] : Episode 32 "The Fuhrer's Son"

[ History ] : FMA WIKI

[ Personality ] :

Alphonse Elric, despite his cold metal exterior, is one of the warmest characters you will find in Fullmetal Alchemist. Regardless of the innumerable hardships he has encountered during the course of his teenage life span Al shines through as astoundingly kindhearted. His calm and passive nature can be seen in many ways as a counterpoint to his brother Ed's more abrasive personality. Because of Ed's rough and tumble attitude, Al is often forced into the situation of becoming the 'mother hen' to keep his elder brother in line. He much makes up for Ed's carelessness and lack of compassion while communicating with other people. Al is always polite and considerate when approaching others, although sometimes this excludes his brother as they tend to constantly bicker over silly things... as brothers so often do.

Even though Al's soul is attached to a large suit of armor, he still maintains the psychological mindset of a child. After all, he was only ten years old when he lost his human body to the gate and his brother fixed his soul to the armor. Both brothers are still children, really, that were forced to grow up far too quickly in order to function in the real world. Both maintain their own childish tendencies. One example of Al's adolescent behavior can be seen when Scar attacks the brothers for the first time. Ed decides to willingly give Scar his life after he promises not to harm Al. Al later scolds Ed for such a decision and ends up whining aggressively like a child would while throwing a tantrum. Even so, Al has always been known to display a significantly higher level of maturity than his older brother. Though Al is as passionate as his brother, he has remarked that his anger takes longer to spark and jokes that he is always beaten to the punch by Ed's outbursts.

As an alchemist, Alphonse is a man of science. Like his brother, he abides by the law of equivalent exchange: that nothing can be gained without equal sacrifice. This theory is treated much like the boys religion in a sense that it is the sole truth they believe in. Having experienced the negative effects of this law first hand the two have certainly learned from their mistakes and since then take the law of equal trade much more seriously. While it is mentioned several times, very bluntly, that Edward does not believe in 'god' it is never noted whether or not Alphonse holds this same belief. In my opinion, it is likely that Al disagrees with his brother on this subject but never chooses to voice his own opinions due to his brother's overwhelmingly strong point of view. Arguing with Ed on this topic would be utterly pointless which is likely why Al decides to remain silent on the matter. It is true that when both brothers are confronted with the being at the Gate of Truth, it introduces itself as all different types of 'God'. So, whether the boys like it or not, they do believe in a higher being above humans because they both recognize that being as 'Truth'.

Al is known to, on most or all occasions, act selflessly for his loved ones. If there is ever anything he can do to help others, despite what effects it may have on himself, he is willing to do it. He is constantly putting his friends and their happiness before himself. One example of the extreme extent of Al's selflessness is later in the series when he has the opportunity to regain his body, what he's been searching for all these years, but instead rejects this chance to fulfill his goal so that he can return and aid his friends in battle. Because Al's body has been sitting in a sort of limbo in front of his door of truth all this time, his body is severely malnourished and unkempt. He is literally all skin and bone. Al knew that his friends were in trouble and they needed his help to fight. With a shriveled body like that Al would not be able to stand, never mind try to help. So he instead tells his body to wait just a bit longer for him, and that he will definitely come back for it.

In spite of all the negative aspects Al has to deal with on a daily basis he is known to usually act quite cheery. He doesn't like for his brother or his friends to be sad, so he will often go out of his way to keep them happy and smiling. Al always offers a kind hand to those who seem down. It doesn't matter if he knows them or not, Al likes to see smiling faces rather than sad ones. This does not however always apply to his brother. Ed is often known to fake a smile and shrug off whats really bothering him until it builds up to the point of explosion. He would rather Ed admit his frustrations aloud and project his true feelings as opposed to hiding behind such a painfully untrue expression. Alphonse is hardest on himself and the most emotionally hurt when Ed refuses to talk to him about things that are bothering him. As his younger brother, Al wants Ed to always feel as though he can confide in him, so he takes it very personally when Ed acts fake with him. Thus Al is more than thankful for the times when Ed truly confides in him and tells him about whats really going on in that thick head of his. Al is one of the few people Ed shows his true side to. For these brothers it is as if they exist in their own separate world and they two are the only ones that could ever completely understand each other because no one else knows what they've had to go through.

On the other hand, Al does carry darkness within his heart created by the many tragedies he has been forced to endure during his life. There was a time where Alphonse was plagued with insecurities about his own uncertain existence inside the suit of armor. This was brought about when he and his brother decided to excavate the supposedly unused Fifth Laboratory where he encountered Number 66, or Barry the Chopper. Barry caused many internal conflicts for Alphonse by suggesting that he was not, nor ever, a real existing person. Manipulating Alphonse's vulnerability by accusing Al's memories of a human boy to be fake, given to him by Ed who was never his real brother and had been lying to him all this time. It's true that Al himself had no proof of his childhood besides his vague memories and his brother's word. Still Al refused to believe this to be true. It is only when he thought back to what Ed had mentioned earlier that day that he truly began to doubt everything he knew about himself. Edward had mentioned something he had been hiding from Al and was too afraid to confront him with. Alphonse began to assume for the worst that what Ed had neglected to tell him was in fact that he was never a real person as Number 66 insinuated. Devastated by the thought of his childhood, his meaning in life, his brother having all been lies, Alphonse falls for Barry's ploy and becomes consumed by doubts of his own existence. The matter is cleared up the next day when Al confronts his brother angrily regarding the legitimacy of his soul and memories. It is then revealed by Winry that the topic of discussion Edward had been too afraid to bring up was whether Alphonse blames and resents Ed for the loss of his human body. Al, horrified by his own faithlessness and harsh words, apologizes to Ed for accusing him of such an act. The two then reconcile and vow to become stronger both mentally and physically.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :

Al is generous and compassionate to others almost to a fault, as he is known to act selflessly and for the good of his friends and sometimes even his enemies. Such is particularly evident in his relationship with the State Alchemist-targeting serial killer known as "Scar", a surviving Ishvalan who has made several attempts to kill Edward and has also attacked and threatened Al's life. Despite this, Alphonse gives Scar the benefit of the doubt and believes that he is not truly a bad person. Once more about Scar and his motives are brought to light it seems that Alphonse was correct in judging Scar's character. Eventually Scar becomes a "good guy" and aids the brothers in their quest to destroy Father and the Homunculi. Alphonse also shows his inability to act coldly to those who mark themselves as his enemy when he is kidnapped by Greed's minions. One in particular named Martel who was a young snake-chimera woman who had captured him by getting inside his armor and stalling his movements. Eventually when the situation spins out of control and Al is presented with the option of letting Martel be killed by Fuhrer King Bradly or saving her life, Al chooses the later of the two and attempts to escape so that Martel can live despite her previous actions against him. In the end his attempt proves futile and Martel is killed by Bradly while still inside Al's armor. It is this traumatizing event that triggers Al's memories of Truth to return to him, thus giving him the ability to preform alchemy without a transmutation circle.

He is first to offer his help during any situation good or bad. From something as simple as keeping an eye on a small child, to aiding someone in battle, Al is always ready to pitch in where necessary. That being said, Alphonse is an incredibly skilled fighter. He and Ed often train together to keep their battle skills top notch. Alphonse usually proving victor of the two. Terrific as he is at hand to hand combat, this side of him oftentimes goes unnoticed because of his general non-violent disposition. Al prefers to avoid conflict when ever possible. He would rather settle things in a more peaceful manner as opposed to his hot headed brother who chooses to solve many of his problems with an iron fist (literally). However, Alphonse will fight if he realizes there is no room to reason or if his loved ones are in danger. Thus, if you ever threaten or hurt his brother or his friends, he will lash out at you full force and there is no stopping him.

Al, like his brother, generally uses his advanced skills with alchemy in battle. After he regained his memories of "seeing truth", Alphonse became capable of preforming alchemy without the use of a transmutation circle which makes him an even more formidable opponent. Since the beginning when the brothers first started using alchemy it is noted that Ed is a bit more skilled than Alphonse. There is a scene from when they were both children where they transmute tiny statues and then presented the work to their mother. Ed's figurine was smoothly crafted and perfectly proportionate, where as Al's was a bit more lumpy and disfigured. This trait follows through to current times when the brothers perform alchemy. Ed's creations are usually more decorative and appealing to the eye, where as Al's alchemy sticks to the basic without all the gaudy designs. While Ed may be considered a more highly skilled alchemist, Al is still exceptionally skilled as well especially for someone his age. He is seen throughout the series using his alchemy in battle to alter his surroundings to gain the advantage in the same way as his brother- transmuting columns, battering rams, and traps for his enemies.

Functioning as a suit of armor is never easy. Constantly Al is reminded of his hollow state and it's astonishing that he is able to function in such a body at all. Some may say that having a metal body has it's advantages. You feel no pain, you're never tired and you don't have to worry about fueling your body to stay alive. People don't generally think about how you loose three of the five human senses. Unable to ever taste food again. To never smell fresh cut grass or even your mother's perfume. Deprived of warmth, never again to feel the embrace of a loved one. All of that lost, left only with the ability to see others experience what you can't and hear them speak of what you no longer possess.

Alphonse's greatest strength and ultimate weakness lies within his beloved brother. Ed is the only true family Al has left, aside from his childhood friend Winry Rockbell and her grandmother Pinako. Ed is his most precious person and Al would risk anything and everything for the well being of his dear brother, including his own life. The two have stuck together through thick and thin. Together they experienced the worst of times and the best of times. It is safe to say that Ed is the world to him, and without him life is truly meaningless.

[ Other Important Facts ] :

Alphonse is a passionate cat lover. Perhaps it is because of his unobtainable desire for warmth while armor-bound that drives him to develop said fondness for them. Al has displayed a great deal of affection for cats and makes a habit out of picking up strays during his traveling, hiding them safely away in his armor cavity from his disapproving brother.

Al's soul attachment to the armor is linked directly to his brother's life force. Ed sacrificed his right arm and used his own blood to create the seal to fix Al's soul to the armor. Because of this, the brothers soul's have essentially been crossed. While Al functions as a suit of armor, his human body sits empty in limbo at the gate, feeding off of Ed's life source to keep it alive. (This is why Ed eats enough food for two men and why he over sleeps so much.) Something I would like to point out is in chapter 76 Edward is impaled by a metal rod after losing a fight with Kimblee and collapses. Al also blanks out in unison with Ed's wound. There is no other justifiable reason for Al's black out, which leads to the conclusion that the brothers are indeed bound to one another on a higher level. Therefore, if anything were to happen to Ed's body such as fatal injury or death then Al's soul would certainly weaken or even fade out as an effect of the lacking nourishment his flesh body would be getting from Ed.

[ Sample ] :

"Don't forget to drink your milk, nii-san" was the gentle reminder Al gave his elder sibling.

He never misses the chance to point out Ed's lacking daily intake of dairy. Some might view it as a chore but not Alphonse. In fact, he relishes the opportunity to remind him each and every morning as the two sit down for breakfast time. Call it a little brother's pride in looking out for the well being of his older brother. Even if said relative disliked this fact at times, especially now.

"If you don't drink it you wont get the sufficient amount of nutrition you need in order to stay healthy!"

Certainly Ed could man up at a time like this and just drink his milk. After all, it's just one glass a day for pete's sake. But no, every morning Ed never fails to argue quite fervently that the 'vile drink' is unnecessary and refuses to consume it. Al always tries to approach the subject in a variety of different ways, switching up his tactics from time to time. He'll start in a kind and dignified manner, but considering Ed's quick temper... most mornings end in controversy.

Chairs are thrown. Tables flipped. Fatally violent threats made.

All in good brotherly fun, of course.

"I only remind you because I care about you!"

Even if Ed were to keep on refusing milk for the rest of his life, Al would still encourage it. Because the day he stops reminding Ed about his milk, will be the day he stops caring about his elder brother's well being. And that day will never come.

The day when Ed drinks that damned milk, however, might be just around the corner.

- Musebox Sample
- Dear_Mun Sample

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] :

Because of the fact that last time I brought Alphonse to Vatheon he was human, I will assume that he can not retain any of his memories of Vatheon since they are technically future happenings for him at this point.

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