character profile / dirtyvegas

Sep 06, 2010 08:44


Name: Zuko
Age: 18
Birthplace: Fire Nation capital
Dominant Hand: Right hand
Eyesight: 20/20

Height: tall
Weight: lean
Hair: black
Eyes: gold
Skin: pale
Other facial features: a very very obvious scar that takes up the a good quarter of his face that expands to envelope his ear, leaving him completely missing one eyebrow, the scarred eye permanently narrow (with poor tear production). naturally, it's damaged some surface nerves leaving partial sensation and an inability for hair growth.

Favorite food: tea... and spicy foods... fruit tarts
Favorite colour: red
Favorite books: Love Amongst the Dragons, may have a secret soft spot for romance stories and tales of honor and royalty
Favorite animal: turtleducks... badgerfrogs, dragons
Favorite weather: sunny and warm
Favorite sport/physical activity: TRAINING. >O
Favorite date spot: oddly... your normal romantic spots...
Preferred type: someone he knows and trusts that understands him and listens. he doesn't show any interest in physical attractiveness.

Disliked food: sea prunes, blandly seasoned food
Disliked colour: blue
Disliked books: inaccurate portrayals
Disliked animal: not... really
Disliked weather: cold and snowy. :|
Disliked sport/physical activity: dancing
Disliked date spot: anything... too noisy or crowded.
Disliked type: anyone like his sister, i.e. cold, manipulative, evil.

Description of bedroom: he's not messy if that's what you're asking. :| he doesn't like having lots of useless things cluttering the room. he's not much of a decorater either, so the room is rather... plain, bare.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): Probably just smells clean, like soap and mild-scented shampoo, possibly like spices. If you get real close, a good sniff, there's probably a hint of smoke. If it's late in the day, it's probably after training, the lingering smell of ash is probably still on him.
Laugh: rare.
Sense of humor: very dry, sarcastic, and often falls through.
Temper: quick tempered
Basic nature: serious, emotional, hotheaded, thoughtful, vaguely aloof, regretful
Kinsey rating: 2. predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual

Spends money on: necessities, uncle. just what is needed.
Random trivia:
- above average hearing
- can hold his breath an unusually long time
- his hair grows really fast
- can keep himself warm with his breath of fire
- an accomplished tea server
- has a scar on his chest where Azula struck him with lightning
- oddly good at helping others with their problems when he's not trying

Currently wants: his dual swords. out of vegas.
Dress: Fire nation style; deep red with gold trim.
Current occupation: Fire Lord
Marital status: in a relationship with Mai
Current Residence: Fire Nation palace

Dominant character traits: serious, emotional, thoughtful, vaguely aloof
Likable traits: his dry comical side, his honest want to help, humble, loyalty to those he trusts, when he shows he cares, would (and has) taken a potentially fatal blow for a friend, how when he actually relaxes he's a nice guy
Annoying traits: hotheaded, overly emotional, stubborn, sarcastic, the way he can't think forward, his uncertainty in right and wrong, too serious, way too stern

Love/Lust interest(s): Mai
Close friends: Uncle, Mai, Aang
Other friends: Sokka, Toph, Katara, Ty Lee
Acquaintances: Jet, Suki, Haru, Teo, Chit Sang, Hakoda... everyone else gAang met.
Enemies and why: His Father, Ozai, and his sister, Azula, both for very similar reasons; leading the Fire Nation astray and basically trying to destroy the rest of the world until Fire Nation ruled everything.
Ursa (mother)
Ozai (father)
Azula (younger sister)
Iroh (uncle)
Lu Ten (cousin)
Azulon (paternal grandfather)
Ilah (paternal grandmother)
Roku (maternal great grandfather)
Ta Min (maternal great grandmother)
Sozin (paternal great grandfather)
Aang (spiritual reincarnation of Roku, his great grandfather)

Habits: relying on his Uncles advice, impersonations and talking to himself (frogs) when things get rough, literally twiddling his thumbs in the most awkward moments, being painfully not fun when he's serious. and he's almost always serious.
Talents: firebending as a whole, surpassing that of a firebending prodigy and assumable to be near if not at the point of being a firebending master. one of the few people capable of redirecting lightning. skilled with his dao swords to the point of being a swordmaster. he's a skilled strategist, when he stops to think. also, it can be assumed he's quite the tea maker.
Hobbies: he'd be embarrassed to admit it, but... brewing tea, no doubt.
Entertainment of choice: Other than training? Reading, plays that don't ruin the actual events, upscale entertainment.
Musical talents: Though he doesn't like playing it, he's excellent with the Tsungi Horn.
Ambitions: Finding his mother, restoring balance to the world, making the Fire Nation happy, getting out of Vegas.
Educational background: As a prince, he was undoubtedly tutored extensively for his first thirteen years of life, both in usual studies, world studies, and bending. After his banishment, his studies were likely much lighter, probably self driven, but his bending was still schooled by none other than his Uncle Iroh. It's noted that Zuko was never as good at academics as his sister, likely to have struggled with it his childhood, but he is smart.
Philosophy of life: "Never give up without a fight."



What is your earliest memory? I guess... Mom. She was always there with me. She used to sing, sometimes. Other times, we were just out by the pond. I still remember when Azula was little... I remember when she wasn't old enough to be a monster.

What was your biggest disillusion as a child? That I needed my father to love me, that pleasing him would give me my honor.

What's one thing everyone assumes about you that isn't true? Just how I got my scar. I guess, everyone assumes I was always good at firebending, too.

What's one thing you wish you could stop? That I could stop being so... hotheaded. It's always at the worst time!

What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?

What are you a sucker for? What? I'm not a sucker for anything.

What's the worst part of your life right now? Do you have to ask? Being here!

Do you have or want children? Yes, no-- I mean, yes, of course! I'm the Fire Lord. My nation expects an heir.

If/when you ever have children, what is one thing you absolutely want to teach them? How... important balance is to the world, that each nation is required to keep the world at peace. They'll need to know the line this family has in history, a hand of good and evil. That honor is something we mold for ourselves and destiny isn't always what you think it is. I... hope I can pass on something Uncle has taught me.

What was the worst advice your father ever gave you? The best? I've got a lot to pick from. The best thing he ever did for me was banish me.

When did you feel you'd finally 'come of age?' For a long time, I thought it was the day I got this scar. Now... I know it was the day I stood up to my father.

How do you feel about sex? Uh, it's... It's not bad.

Describe your ideal significant other. Well... [that is a sort of dreamy tone.] know. Mai.

How do you deal with depression, stress or sadness? Not so good, I guess. I know I'm not the most mature.

How do you think of yourself? I've made a lot of mistakes, things were hard for me, but I've come a long way. I think I'm honorable. I made the right choices in the end and I'm on the path destiny set me on.

How do your friends think of you? I... don't know. I thought they would hate me for what I did before. They seem to trust me now, maybe... even like me.

How do your enemies think of you? Weak.

Who is your biggest role model? Ah... well, Uncle. He was more like a father to me.

What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Assisting the Avatar. Pretty obvious.

What has been your most humbling experience to date? There have... been a lot.

What will it take for you to die happy? When the Fire Nation's honor is truly restored, when I've done all I can to set the world at peace, then...


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