(no subject)

Nov 30, 2011 23:47

It happens, again.

One moment, Erik feels himself safe in the embrace of his mother -- Schmidt dead behind him and the nightmare gone -- and the next, he finds he is back at the beginning and watching in horror as Schmidt requests -- asks, demands, insists -- that he move the coin. His anguish must be palpable and easy to hear from continents away and if Charles is nearby, it will be the first thing he hears. His fingers tremble and so he presses the blunt edge of filthy nails into his palm to stop them.

-- all that this does is cause his muscles to flex and the numbers etched on his arm stand out in stark contrast.

He cannot do this. He cannot live with this one more time. The hope bleeds out of him. The rage ebbs away. He is left a broken boy standing before his creator with no knowledge of what he is meant to do next. If they escape, he is brought here. If Erik stops Shaw, they are brought back here. In the distant recesses of Erik's mind, he is aware there is another option, but he cannot bring himself to think on it.

His shoulders lose the firm line of defiance and he wonders what is left to do but surrender to inevitability, if nothing else will work.
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