
Dec 21, 2005 13:25

As the great Morpheus once said - Fate, it would seem, is not without a sense of irony.

If one has read the few entries I've posted here, one would already know that I've been a fairly unhappy person. While this remains somewhat true, things are seemingly turning in my favor. I'm down to my last week and a half of oldJob+...I got a new job working for my Uncle. He's starting a new company and I'm giving up whatever 'career' I might have had at oldJob+ to get in on the ground floor. Also, he's going to be paying me 36k+ annually. Considering I didn't even graduate college, that's a pretty decent chunk of change...and that's to start. And while my roommate situation hasn't improved MUCH, it HAS improved. My alcoholic roomies are still a'drinkin, but there's been an addition to the house that has made it a bit more bearable...a young lady by the name of Amber. She's very cool, and she shares my ill-content with my other roommates, so we have at LEAST that much in common. Also, she listens to EXCELLENT music, and it helps that she's about the most physically attractive (to ME anyway) girl I've seen.

But enough about Amber, let's talk about ME!

I've been on a huge 'System of a Down' kick of late, and it's making me really REALLY want to learn to play bass again. I wish I wasn't so scatter-brained or I'd probably already be able to. I'm finding myself writing lyrics to songs with no music save what's playing in my head when I write it. If my theory were up to speed, I'd be on that bitch, but it's been a LOOOOONG time since my Sophmore year of high school. A LONG ass time. I DO however remember that there are no sharps or flats in the key of C. That's impressive, no? No. So I'm going to brush up on that inbetween learning what I'm going to have to know for my new job.

I've changed my living situation slightly to allow for more separation from a situation I'm not comfortable with. It's going to be sweet once it's done, and it's going to be easier pulling in almost 600$ a week as opposed to like 300. Until then, I don't know where I'll end up sleeping at night - a couch, the floor, my bed, in front of a TV, in front of my video games, in front of a computer......I just can't wait until Christmas is over and all my money isn't spoken for by the people I know and care about. First on my list? THE INTERNET FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. My World of Warcraft bug has been biting me on the ass for almost 3 months. It's time to squash that bitch and druid it up once more.

My writing is also going to have to pick up a bit. I'm going to be writing a script for a movie and about 4 or 5 shorts, in addition to any of MY stuff that I write. Being excellent with words is a blessing AND a curse, I have to tell you.

Yes, I'm still alone, but the bitterness of it has passed. It has kinda become a dull numbness that I no longer really notice until it flares...and those are MUCH fewer and further between of late. I don't even really know why I'm not bothered by it as much. What's ironic is that I've all but given up looking for someone and she may have just moved in with me. Anyways, it's a dead horse, and I'm suprised that there's anything left as much as I've been kicking the shit out of it.

In closing, one usually ties everything before together and expresses what one has learned and all that stuff. Not me.
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