Is there a full moon out today?

Mar 07, 2005 18:39

RC Cola Rocks my world!!!

So yea....people were assholes at work today. To no end. One guy accidently got billed for something by accident, and we gladly took it off of his account, but he insist that we didn't do it because it hasnt posted on his credit card yet. Hello, earth the moron! It takes a week sometimes to post back on a credit card. But he doesnt want to understand this, and the whole time we are trying to explain this to him we are showing him a new receipt that shows the the credit had been issusd and sent, just hadn't cleared yet, but he still insisted that we did not fix the problem. Excuse me, Sir, pull your head out of your ass, clean the shit out of your ears, and listen next time...k? Thanx! Then another lady was charged for an extra hour, and demanded that it be taken off cause she refused to pay it. Sorry lady, we have your credit card are paying it weather you like it or not! hehe, I love when people are assholes, I will find every little thing to charge them for! Few words of enlightenment, never piss of a rental car agent, it will kick you in the ass in the long run!

Then I came home, drank a RC cola and took a nap, and I feel 10 times better about my day!
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