
Jun 27, 2019 20:25

Today started off with a lot of generosity.

I got pulled over by a cop who let me off easy with a warning. Whew! Then I picked up a passenger who bought me a mocha at Starbucks. Mega awesome! After that I went through the Del Taco drive thru and they loaded the heck out of my breakfast burritos. Yeah, baby!

I then went out and drove a bit. Stopped by the Morongo fruit market on the way up the hill which was awesome. Also picked up some wild blueberries from WalMart which is such a gosh dang pleasant place to be.

I beat off when I got home which calmed down my desire to be acting all horny.

I also washed my car, went for a run, vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen, and at a nice rice bowl for dinner. Yeah.

Now I'm feeling nice and tired. Time to be good.
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