(no subject)

Feb 08, 2019 22:47

I really hate it when people like my cousin Josh jam me up.

I get it. He wants me to be successful and start making money so I can pay my bills. He also wants my assistance with various video projects.

But it really pisses me off when he calls the thing that I absolutely love to do more than anything in the world "dumb".



You're just a short, insecure, little man who has to overcompensate by making a lot of money and talking a big game. You're oozing with insecurity around the fact that you never truly pursued the thing that you actually wanted to do. You instead did a bunch of other stuff that you don't give a fuck about.

I am filled with rage and sadness right now.

I want to be left alone.

I want to do my own thing.

I want to make people laugh and help them lighten the load of their day.

I could truly give a fuck less about making videos about all of this other dumb-ass boring shit.

You're shitting on me because you never did the thing that you wanted to do in life.

I really believe that you are shitting on me, a happy go easy guy, because you never did a goddamned thing that you wanted to.

That's maybe not true. Maybe I've just got the wrong perception of things.

Who fucking knows.

I am done.
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