Time to vote - The Preditors and Editors Poll awaits!

Jan 11, 2010 16:50

I've been sitting back and watching goings on before getting ready for my own involvement in the awards, then realised there are only three days left...

If you think we did good work over at Morrigan Books last year, then this is your chance to vote for us, so that others can also see how well we are doing and cast a glance our way in 2010. We've already been nominated for a few things this time but if there is something you think of (short story, editor, etc.) that hasn't been nominated then you can also do that.

The main voting page can be found below:

Preditors and Editors voting page

but I've given you a link to a few of the categories, (under the cut) with comments about who/what I think should win or who/what I've voted for.

I've not read enough here to have a qualified opinion but The Harrowing, Alexander Sokoloff is being talked about in all the right circles. I'm also aware Jeremy Shipp has a rather fine voice and would expect Cursed to be worth a buy.

Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Novel

I actually think this should be two sections but anyway...not read one on the list and struggle to think of any that were released last year that grabbed - I didn't read many new novels though.

Best Horror Short Story

We have a few in this section, most coming from Dead Souls (my own little solo editing anthology). Tatsu by Reece Notley is riding high, as is Licwiglunga by T. A. Moore. Also in the list (from the same book) are A Shade of Yellow, Gary McMahon, Wayang Kulit, L. J. Hayward and The Blind Man, Carole Johnstone.

I'm only allowed to vote for one and so went for The Blind Man, as Carole Johnstone is always brilliant but this is easily one of the best things she's ever done, and is probably my favourite of all those in the anthology. I read a lot of horror short stories last year and believe Carole's stands very high among them all.

Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Short Story

There's some bloody cracking stories in this list, and I notice a few from Grants Pass, our science fiction/horror anthology. I'm actually going to nominate KV Taylor's Boudha, which isn't in the list and was my favourite from that book (well that or Carole Johnstone's...)

Best Anthology

You may well notice a bit of bias here but I direct your attention to Dead Souls, the anthology I edited for Morrigan Books. If that didn't grab you, you could vote for Grants Pass, another worthy anthology, also (strangely) published by Morrigan Books...

Best Book Art

Both Dead Souls and Grants Pass are in there, both done by the wonderful Reece Notley. I shall be voting Dead Souls cause I love me that spider!

Best Zine Art

I see that Reece Notley has been nominated for Three Crow Press, yet I see no mention of Drops of Crimson, which I think will get my vote.

Best Author

I can't decide here between Carole Johnstone or Gary McMahon, as they've both done cracking stuff over the last year or so. I think I might vote Carole and get the wife to vote Gary, that seems fair eh? ;)

Best Poet

I've gone for Ian Hunter here, who is nice enough to put some of his stuff on his site. He reminds me I need to get some poetry done this year!

Best Artist

Reece Notley isn't nominated, which makes no sense to me, and so I'll be nominating her and then voting for her.

Best Book Editor

I'm in there, as is Amanda Pillar and Alisa Krasnostein. Can't decide between Alisa or Amanda and so have let the wife vote for Alisa, seeing as she's read some Twelth Planet stuff and I voted for my personal fave, Amanda Pillar.

No Jennifer Brozek though, which is strange.

Best Zine Editor

Here we have Jennifer Brozek, Jenn Moffatt, Reece Notley and Lea Schizas, making it a very tough one. Think I'll have to go for Reece Notley here.

Best Ebook Publisher

We've been nominated here, which is crazy, as we don't do ebooks, yet. I voted for Samhain Publishing.

Best Review Site

I nominated Dark Wolf's Fantasy Reviews for this and then got the wife to vote for ASif! (Australian Specific in focus). Covering all the bases you know...

Best Fiction Zine

I'm thinking Shroud, Necrotic Tissue and Three Crow Press here. No prizes for guessing where my vote has to go.

Best Poetry Zine

Goblin Fruit, without a shadow of a doubt!

Best Writers Workshop

My vote goes with The Muse Online Writers' Conference. I was lucky enough to take part last year and it was excellent!

And here is where you can see the current standings and just where everyone is at the mo.

Current Standings

Looking forward to seeing where we end up in all our categories!

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