(Taken from the
morrigansnews LJ this weekend)
The Erotica Issue of Three Crow Press has gone live! It is not work safe, so wasn't it nice of us to go live on a three day weekend?
Inside this issue:
* Look But Don't Touch by Fran Walker
* Eye Candy by Joe Nazare
* Lucinda by Gerard Brennan
* Need by Jean Langill
* Scoring Too by Carl Hose
* So Hot by John Miller
* Transmission by Michael R. Fosburg
* Wolf Spider by Mina Kelly
Author Interview - Stacia Kane by T.A. Moore
Featured Artist - Kirika Moth by Reece Notley
Reviews and Articles
* World Review - Anya Bast: Elemental Witch Series - by J. Lee Moffatt
* The C Word by Stacia Kane
* Lust and the Bad Boy by Reece Notley
State of the Crow - Morrigan Books