A little me time

May 09, 2008 10:08

While I'm waiting for Deborah Biancotti to paint her nails, I can post a couple of things on ScribeFire, thank you
doctodd for this - I'm still not sure of it as I couldn't get it to work on Blogger but it seems to be doing the job here!

Welcome to
boku_no_migite and
salamet, I may need to do another poll soon with the influx of new and exciting people to bother... stalk... chat to!

Got hold of the Cloverfield DVD yesterday after
petekempshall told me he was getting ready to watch the alternative endings and Ihave to say I was mightily disappointed with them (no spoilers, promise). I mean did anything different happen? No answers please. *chuckles*

Was a bit impressed with the last two Doctor Who episodes though, what happened? It got good...

Should be watching Supernatural at lunchtime and then meself and wedschilde are going to have a chat about it - maybe I should start using my tv_casebook community again, dissecting my favourite tv, what do the newbies (and oldbies think)?

Oh and this 'The Stars of Speculative Fiction' series I've doing, please contact me if you'd like to be involved as I e-mailed a group of people about it when I had the idea and my flist has somewhat increased in size since then. There are some slots as early as July, and then we move into autumn. I'd like to run this right up until December if I get the names, as it's been fun and I get the impression quite a few of you have enjoyed them.

Portishead is indeed the bomb now and I've been playing it at least five times a day - it will be there or thereabouts come the revolution December. Those who have Last.fm, may have noticed this.

I have my Vox thing back up and running if anyone is on there and for the newbies I have zee old Facebook account, and Morrigan Books and Gilgamesh Press have Yahoo! Groups for news and info.

What you waiting for, get off and check them out, add me, sign up...

doctor who, flist, supernatural

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